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Household Cleaning Essentials
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All things cleaning! Hoping to transition to a stay at home mom I am obsessing over cleaning as I am home 24/7! These items help me keep my sanity and make cleaning more interesting and easier.
Kristina Valdez profile picture
Smells amazing and cleans even better.
The Pink Stuff: Home
Kristina Valdez profile picture
Smells AMAZING! Love this multipurpose cleaner.
Mrs. Meyer's Household Cleaners
Kristina Valdez profile picture
The spray smells amazing and the pads clean even better and more surface area!
Swiffer® PowerMop Multi-Surface Kit for Floor Cleaning
Kristina Valdez profile picture
We have been using this cleaner for years! And our quartz never dulled and always shined.
Quartz Clean & Shine
Kristina Valdez profile picture
I was so used to cooking with a gas stove that when we switched to electric I wanted the best cleaner to protect the glass. This polish leaves it nice and shiny!
Glass Cooktop Cleaners
Kristina Valdez profile picture
Scrub daddy sponge has lasted me over a year for two! The best sponge, pro-tip throw it in the dishwasher to clean it!
Scrub Daddy All-Star Kit
Kristina Valdez profile picture
Use a different color for different rooms of the house so bathroom towels don't become kitchen towels!
Microfiber Towels & Cleaning Cloths
Kristina Valdez profile picture
These pods leave our dishes shiny and streak free.
Dishwasher Cleaner
Kristina Valdez profile picture
We used this cleaner for our newborn clothes and it was nice and gentle with no reactions.
Tide Free and Gentle Liquid Laundry Detergent
Kristina Valdez profile picture
This cleaner is strong! I love using it after handling raw chicken in the sink.
Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner, Citron, 28 oz