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Plants - Green Thumb

Herb emoji 55 items
I'm obsessed with plants, flowers, beautiful landscapes. I don't necessarily have a great green thumb, but some plants do love me and stay with me for a while. Here are my recommendations for indoor and outdoor plants, flowers, pots and all things fo...
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PF- 🐾 Calathea Pinstripes need a lot of humidity, soil that’s well-draining but never dry, and bottled, distilled, or filtered water only. Care Level: 4 - Needs extra TLC, previous experience recommended. Likes: Medium to bright indirect light, humi...
Calathea 'Pinstripe'
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🐾 PF originally from Brazil, it thrives in warm, humid environments that feel most like its jungle home. Triostars like either medium or bright indirect light, but avoid direct sunlight to preserve the delicate leaves.
Stromanthe 'Triostar'
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🐾 this pet friendly plant can grow outdoors in a humid enough environment, otherwise it will hang happily in any window that gets a lot of light
Hoya 'Curtisii'
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PF 🐾 a tropical plant that gets its name from the red/orange tubular flowers that addas a pop of color, but it is a Care Level: 4 - Needs extra TLC. Likes: Bright filtered light, extremely well-draining soil, humidity. Dislikes: Low light, overwater...
Lipstick Plant
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the Calathea Rattlesnake features long, lance-shaped, wavy-edged leaves with striking patterns resembling a rattlesnake's skin. The leaves have a beautiful combination of dark green hues with light green markings that create an eye-catching contrast.
Calathea RattleSnake Prayer Plants
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Cat Palms improve room decor, bringing a focal point to any living room, office, or bedroom decor
Costa Farms Cat Palm
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my mom used to have a few of these in her home, keep Snake Plant happy, healthy, and growing by placing it near a sunny window, can tolerate low light. Water when the top couple inches of the soil are dry
Snake Sansevieria Plant
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PF 🐾 gift with cute plant pots or ceramic planters for indoor plants, make these the perfect gifts for plant lovers and gifts for gardeners
Essential Houseplant Collection (4PK)
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I am trying my luck with growing one of these. I've had it about 2 years and it is still alive. Some of the leaves are starting to turn yellow. I need to read up and see if I over-watered it or under-watered it.
Lucky Bamboo Plant
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this I buy for Tyson for hairball control, easy to keep indoor and outside for him
TCL Black Cat Mug Cat Grass Kit and Refill
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I like plants that have color, this would be perfect for tabletop or indoor display, Guzmania hybrids thrive in bright, indirect light
Guzmania Hybrid Pink
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perfect for beginners and busy plant lovers, this low-maintenance Dracaena thrives in bright, indirect light and requires minimal watering
Dracaena Mass Cane ‘Corn Plant’
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love the pop of color, Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera), a botanical treasure that bursts into vibrant color during the heart of winter. Adorned with cascading, jewel-toned flowers in shades of pink, red, or white, this stunning plant transforms your...
Christmas Cactus
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one of the easiest plants I've grown, it multiplies easily, I've used it on sunburns before
Aloe Vera
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clips can be used for climbing plants, indoor/outdoor, grafting, tying vines and bundling
Plant Support Clips
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PF 🐾 gnat spray for indoor plants kills fungus gnats, spider mites, and fruit flies, perfect solution for getting rid of fruit fly and fungus gnats
Kate's Garden Insect & Gnat Plant Spray
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I love orchids, but I have yet to keep one alive. All of my co-workers and I were gifted each an orchid plant and unfortunately I don't see any of them able to maintain them and keep them beautiful.
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anthurium blooms are remarkably long-lasting, gracing your space for several weeks at a time but be careful if you have pets, they are not pet friendly
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Wallisia cyanea formerly known as "Tillandsia cyanea"(common name pink quill) is a species of flowering plant in the bromeliad family, native to the rainforests of Ecuador, a very easy and tough houseplant, but it handles dry conditions like a champ
Pink Quill Plant
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suitable for repotting and growing indoor outdoor large sized plants, such as Peace Lily, Snake Plant, Aloe Vera, African violets, Money Tree, Large Cast Iron Plant, Anthirium, Lucky Bamboo, Zebra Plant, Fiddle Leaf fig, Pothos, ZZ plants, Orchid
Self Watering Pots
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for the rustic farmhouse look, use for indoor or outdoor plants
Whiskey Barrel Planters with Drainage
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I like the designed pots for the inside plants
Beaded Ceramic Planter Set of 2
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I would use these for special events such as bridal shower, luncheon for entryway plant/flower displays
Metal Indoor Outdoor Planter Set of 2
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Outdoor or Indoor - Ideal addition to any front entrance, poolside patio, or spacious hallway.
Tall Planter
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I use this gardening soil with all types of container plants, including flowers, shrubs, annuals, and perennials
Miracle-Gro Potting Mix
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look at this potting soil! Ocean Forest is a powerhouse blend of premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. Composted forest humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest its light, aerate...
Foxfarm Ocean Forest Garden Potting Soil
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I probably should have tried this potting soil to repot my orchid that I couldn't keep alive
Harris Orchid Potting Mix
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I have recommended this for my friend who has a raised garden where she grows cucumbers, peppers, squash and a few other veggies
Miracle-Gro Organic Raised Bed and Garden Soil
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I have my bird of paradise inside, they are indoor/outdoor plants - not pet friendly
White Bird of Paradise
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I had these in some outdoor baskets on my fence but lost my flowers in the summer heat and now I can replace them
Coco Fiber Basket Liner
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nice for balcony and fence flower displays
Steel Deck Planter
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the petals and stems of roses are safe for pets, keep in mind that the chemicals you use on roses can be hazardous to pets’ health. Avoid using fertilizers, insecticides and granules that contain disulfoton, which can be lethal to dogs
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beautiful landscape plant, White Lies opens as a bright white - then watch as its medium-large double flowers quickly blush to an intense red, finishing all maroon
White Lies Rose Plant with White to Red Blooms
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although Gardenia's are not pet friendly, I would consider having this plant as the smell is so beautiful. There are gardenia trees outside my job and I love the blooms and smell.
Gardenia Plant
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PF 🐾 Spider Plant is a trailing plant with long, variegated stems that hang down from the mother plant with light yellow middles and a forest green outline, I have had luck growing a spider plant
Spider Plant
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Send a gift of serenity and compassion with a peaceful garden that will live on and a keepsake Celebration of Life windchime that will serve as a tribute to their loved one.
White Garden & Celebration of Life Windchime
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send smiles to a friend, loved one, family with this garden of overflowing collection of two yellow Kalanchoes, a golden Pothos and a Croton plant
Sunshine & Joy Garden
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these trees bloom May-September so it will go on my birthday wish list!
Gardenia Bonsai
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I like vines, this I would keep indoors in my home office
Monstera Minima Plant
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trailing jade thrives in bright, indirect sunlight
Trailing Jade, Copper Pot
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the olive tree is a symbol of peace and friendship, suitable for USDA zones 8-10, ground-planted olive trees are happiest in warm, temperate areas, a sunny, frost and wind-free location with southern exposure is best. Water generously the first year...
Arbequiña Olive Tree
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lemon trees are fragrant and able to live inside or outside, lemons like plenty of water, but they cannot become water-logged
Meyer Lemon Tree
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outdoor landscape bush, deciduous shrub with white blooms in summer that attract butterflies , USDA Zone: 5-10 at maturity can grow 2-3 feet tall x 2-3 feet wide
Butterfly Candy Lil' Coconut Butterfly Bush
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I have a rosemary plant that smells so good, it was small when I bought it and when potted in a big planter it has grown out and up, known to keep mosquitoes away and used as an herb for cooking
Bonnie Plants Rosemary
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great to grow for a tropical landscaping look, a perennial that is not PF, this plant is ideal for boggy areas, marshes, swampland, or water gardens
Elephant Ears (Colocasia Esculenta)
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read about your planting zone, knowing your hardiness zone for plants is one of the most fundamental factors in gardening success. The zones tell you what you can plant as a perennial and which plants will only be annuals where you live. By understan...
USDA Planting Zones: What Is My Growing Zone?
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I would plant this outdoors for under the window landscape on a side of the house that has partial sunlight or filtered sunlight, mature heights can get to 6-12 ft tall and 5-10 ft wide
Camellia Japonica Shrub
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azaleas can be grown in a large pot or used for landscaping, needs partial shade, best in USDA Zones 6a-10b mature to about 3 ft H by 3.5 ft W
Azalea Autumn Lilac with Purple Blooms
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the meyer lemon tree has remarkable cold and heat tolerance
Meyer Lemon Tree
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it's easy to grow, adaptable and unique
Spider Plant
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the rapitest soil moisture tester accurately reads your plants’ moisture levels, giving you instant peace of mind with no more guessing if your plants need a drink
House Plant Fertilizer Kit
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I have 2 of these plants outside on my patio. The summer heat is brutal, but they are surprisingly surviving.
Croton 'Petra' Plant
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Rio Dipladenia Tropicals a beautiful big pot for the garden
Rio Dipladenia Tropicals
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use indoor or outdoor in a big colorful pot
Bird of Paradise White, Strelitzia Nicolai
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just the right size for any patio, porch, deck or rooftop space
Vertical CEDAR Herb, Small Vegetable and Flower Garden