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Keeping toddlers safe, loved, and happy!

Purple Star emoji 15 items
These are things my kids absolutely love to the things I use in my own home to keep my kids safe and happy
Victoria Clark profile picture
I used these for my babies and I loved them. I could talk to them and had multiple monitors so I could watch them in every room!
Baby Monitors -
Victoria Clark profile picture
My kids love the magnetic tiles. They build anything that come to there little minds. I love playing with them because imagination is key!
Toys for 3 to 5 Year Olds | Melissa & Doug
Victoria Clark profile picture
I try to get toys, books, clothes, or shoes with these characters. My kids are obsessed with bubble guppies!
Bubble Guppies
Victoria Clark profile picture
I had to get one of these and I love it. My kids is smart enough to unbuckle the car seat buckle. This truly saved my life and my kids safety
Car Seat Buckle Guard : Baby
Victoria Clark profile picture
I like having these around. So easy for my kids to have easy access to use the potty and brush there teeth!
Kids Step Stool - Target
Victoria Clark profile picture
I love using my backpack diaper bag! Very convenient for long days on the road and having all the essentials for your baby/toddler!
Functional, Luxary Diaper Bags - Petunia Pickle Bottom
Victoria Clark profile picture
I have been wanting to get one of these for awhile now! I am glad I finally caved because this is an awesome product to have especially with toddlers. Going to the zoo, aquarium, parks this comes in handy!
Large Wagon With Seats
Victoria Clark profile picture
I have this for my kids and they have worked amazing! Plus it's every stage so no need to buy multiple car seats!
Explore All-in-One Car Seats | Shop Now | Graco Baby
Victoria Clark profile picture
My kids have a cocomelon one and we use it everyday! From having picnics inside, to making forts and using it to have camping trips inside. It's awesome thing to have so many things to do with it.
Kids Indoor Play Tent - Target
Victoria Clark profile picture
I love getting my kids new books and learning activities! We do a few sheets a day!
Educational Books For Toddlers
Victoria Clark profile picture
I have these all over my house! My kids are little explorers and will get into anything in seconds. Having these are great!
Baby Gates in Baby Gates -
Victoria Clark profile picture
I got this for my kids because they were always wanting to help clean so I got them there own set to help me whenever I clean!
Kids Pretend Cleaning Toys - Target
Victoria Clark profile picture
I got these for my kids because so they could build there own obstacles to climb on and have fun!
Foam Climbing Blocks
Victoria Clark profile picture
I got these because so my kids would not stick things in the walls and hurt themselves!
Safety 1st Outlet Cover & Cord Shortener
Victoria Clark profile picture
For the longest time I didn't have access to a table so I ended up getting one for each of my children and I love these! The are a item to have!
Delta Children MySize Chair Desk, Grey