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Breastfeeding mama essentials
17 items
Ally Holt
Hands down the best items I could've used for both of my breastfeeding journeys, my first being 13 months and my second being 3 months and counting!!
Stick perfectly to your bra, helping to avoid leaking!
Stay Dry Disposable Nursing Pads
No wires, super comfy, adjustable straps, supportive!
Nursing Bras - Target
This is what I have and love, however there are newer ones, that I also linked!
S9 Pro Wearable Breast Pump Upgraded: Long Battery Life
Here is another option!
Best Wearable Breast Pump & Comfort Nursing Bras ...
These are the most like mom! They are also super comfortable to hold and easy to wash
Breast Milk Feeding Bottles
These were the second best for both my (almost) exclusively bf babies!
Award-Winning Baby Products – Nanobébé US
Perfect for getting an all the next and crevices of bottles and pump parts
Parent's Choice Square Brush Head Bottle and Nipple ...
Fits perfectly inside of almost any pump, and is extremely comfortable
Flange Inserts 13/15/17/19/21mm 5pcs
Makes nipples much less sore, and safe for babies
Lanolin Nipple Cream for Breastfeeding Moms - Lansinoh
Also great option!
Organic Nipple Butter™ by Earth Mama
As silly as this may seem, I used this to apply the nipple cream or balm onto the nipple pads!
BPA-Free Diaper Bag Essentials, Soft Spatula
I LOVES these! They're perfect when I'm craving something sweet, and they increase or stabilize my supply very well!
Lactation Cookies - Walmart
Especially at the beginning, I had a very high supply, and these were perfect and held quite a lot!
Haakaa Ladybug Silicone Milk Collector 2.5 oz/75 ml
These are so versatile! They were great as covers, as they are lightweight and big enough!
Cotton Muslin Swaddle Blankets - Little Unicorn
I love the the up&up bags! Both quantity and quality are great!
Breast Milk Storage : Target
It may seem silly, but these will help boost your supply! Add them to smoothies, or have them in no bake cookies!
Quaker Oats Company
These are delicious and actually help with supply!
Boobie Hydromom Electrolyte Drink Mix