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Halloween must haves
22 items
Amanda Hiles
Kids are the main reason I'll always decorate for Halloween. Love to see the smile on there faces.
My kids loved this decoration, and it's so real looking..
Halloween Body Bag
Best spider web around, and easy to install.
Spider Web
Best and cutiest inflatables
Skull Inflatable
Cutest and the kids love it.. spice it up this Halloween
Halloween Inflatables
Is it even halloween unless you have a Cauldron
Halloween Cauldron
Kids? Say no more, theses are a must and super affordable.
Halloween Window Clings
You don't have a 12ft Skeleton, win them brownie points with the wife and surprise her with this, or the kids.
12 ft. Giant Skeleton with LifeEyes
It's halloween 🎃, go all out.. It's all worth it seeing the kids faces.
Halloween Animatronics
Is it even halloween unless you dress up
Halloween Costumes
Make it a crime scene if you need a theme this year. Halloween Caution Tape
Grave yard idea is another way to go
Halloween Tombstones
Every prop is needed.. It's halloween
Halloween Props
A fog machine is a must, can be used indoors or out and it really sets the mood. I loved mine, and the kids are obsessed with it.
Fog Machine
Gonna need a refill on that fog machine. It goes pretty quick.
Fog Machine Liquid
Oh really get them going this real with a voice changer.
Halloween Voice Changer
Need some extra height for your costume, say no more theses are so fun and easy to use.
Costume Stilts
It's not halloween unless there's fake blood involved.
Realistic Fake Blood - Face & Body Paint
Go to halloween makeup kit, got everything you would need
Halloween Makeup Kit
Cant forget the pumpkins
Halloween Pumpkins
They have a ton of mask to choose from.
Halloween Masks
Need a couples costume, best place to look. All in one places and super cute
Couples' Costumes
Amazon has the cutest decorations
Halloween Decorations