Tired of spending an arm and a leg for items to just break. We'll here are my most favorite items that I can promise I've never had any issues.
Best fridge around. I've did my research and all around favorite with alot of people.
Samsung - Refrigerators - Appliances - The Home Depot
Need something that's gonna last, I promise it's a great stove and it looks amazing also. Top rated
Maytag - Ranges - Appliances - The Home Depot
Who doesn't need a microwave, easy to use and won't break the bank. 5 star rating with me.
Microwaves - Appliances - The Home Depot
Best way to clean the floors. They never are truly clean untill you use a steam cleaner.
The Home Depot
Best broom around. Gets everything, and doesn't leave any crumbs or dirt behind.
Brooms - Cleaning Tools - The Home Depot
Kids or grandkids that you wanna give a little freedom to, theses are perfect. Easy to use and mess free.
Cereal Dispenser
5 stars.. Best mat I've found for dishes, I always have back pain and this helped so much. Nice and think, everyone loves it.
Kitchen Mats - Bed Bath & Beyond
So many options to choose from. Everyone has dishes, so your gonna need to wash them. Even if you have a dish washer, dishes are always being done.
Dish Drying Rack
Don't like todo dishes, say no more.. Who has time for that anyway.. What wife or husband would mind having a helping hand in the kitchen. You won't be disappointed.
Dishwashers - The Home Depot
Your gonna wanna pitch that towel or drying mat and stick to this. Won't stay wet like the cotton ones. Can just be wiped clean, easy as 123
Silicone Drying Mat
Coffee lover?? Can change to different sizes, drinking at home? Heading to work? Just up the size and put in your tumbler. Best coffee maker around, still have mine it's been 3 years
Keurig Coffee Maker
All time favorite kitchen helper.. you can seriously Air fry anything, from pork chops, chicken, bake potatoes, s'more 😱 yes I seriously mean you can cook anything in theses.
Gourmia Air Fryers in Air Fryers - Walmart.com
Best way to keep that bread fresher longer, and keep it from being stacked up and forget what you had. Absolutely love my bread box.
Bread Box
If you got a Keurig, your gonna want this. You need to wash those