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But first, Cafecito
12 items
Angelica Dominguez
I have added a few of my favorite local coffee shops, my favorite Starbucks recipes, and my favorite coffee pods I use for my coffee machines.
Coffee Shops
Coffee Recipes
Coffee Pods
Coffee Shops
These coffee shops are in the DFW area
Had some great matcha in this place!
Hola Café: Home
This is such a cute local shop and the coffee is good too!
White Rhino Coffee
Ive tried their Matcha and their Iced Coffee. I really liked both, the matcha did need more sweet flavor but it was still great!
La La Land Kind Cafe – a cafe with the purpose of hiring foster ...
Coffee Recipes
I like to order an iced caramel machiatto with extra shot of espresso and made with almondmilk!
Iced Caramel Macchiato: Starbucks Coffee Company
My favovrite flavor in my coffee is white mocha. I love to order iced espresso with pumps of white mocha!
White Chocolate Mocha
I love an iced pumpkin spice
Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte Returns Alongside New Iced Apple ...
Coffee Pods
My favorite Nespresso pods are : Bianco Forte, Ice Forte, Melozio, Bianco Doppio
Nespresso Vertuo Coffee Pods & Capsules
My favorite Keurig Pods are Dunkin Donuts and the Donut Place.
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One of my favorite Matcha drinks because it has so many benefits!
Matcha SuperLatte
I recommend this with oatmilk and sweet cream foam
Iced Matcha Latte: Starbucks Coffee Company
These are my two favorite flavors, caramel and sweet cream! Just a splash for not too much sugar!
Chobani Creamer
I like the oatmilk creamer, pumpkin spice, and the cinnamon dolce flavor