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The Art of Ink: Essential Tools & Resources For Aspiring Tattoo Artists ✨

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Wanna get started with tattooing? Then explore essential gear, vibrant inks, and amazing resources right here! Here's all the things that have helped me as a tattoo artist that I’m sure will help you too!✨

Tattoo Machines & Power Supplies

Angela Salorian profile picture
The Bishop Shader Wand was my first tattoo machine and I'm so glad it was! I use it to this day and it is absolutely perfect. It is designed for precision and versatility. It is lightweight and delivers smooth lines and rich shading with minimal effo...
Angela Salorian profile picture
This is the perfect power supply for your Bishop Wand. I have had mine for years and it never disappoints. Has a long battery life and charges within a few hours via USB-C connection. Lightweight and wireless, it is definitely the best option.
Bishop B-Charged Wireless Power Supply - V2
Angela Salorian profile picture
If you like having a seperate power supply that isn't wireless this one is absolutely amazing. The CX1 G2 offers excellent performance and features like adjustable voltage settings, making it a favourite for many artists. Just make sure you have comp...
CX1-G2 Power Supply

Tattoo Inks

Angela Salorian profile picture
This is one of the best black inks on the market that is used by most tattoo artists. Been using for years and I'm obsessed!
Dynamic Triple Black Tattoo Ink (8oz) -
Angela Salorian profile picture
Kuro Sumi is an amazing Japanese tattoo company. It is one of my favorite places to order vibrant and white inks from. They're such high quality and so unique!
Kuro Sumi Tattoo Ink: Premium Vegan Tattoo Inks

Hygiene and Safety

Angela Salorian profile picture
One of the most used green soaps by tattoo artists. Affordable and great quality.
Green Soap - Walmart
Angela Salorian profile picture
So simple to set up on these and they're a perfect size!
Dental Bibs Sheets 125pcs Black Disposable
Angela Salorian profile picture
You'll need a bunch of these, especially when practicing on fake skins which are really hard to clean and make sure the ink doesn't stain them!
Kirkland Signature Paper Towels, 2-Ply, 160 Sheets, 12 Individually ...
Angela Salorian profile picture
Any glove is okay as long as it is nitrile and latex! Make sure you get the right size because it makes such a big difference in your work!
Black Nitrile Glove Tattoo - Walmart
Angela Salorian profile picture
I have been using this brand of Cavicide since I started as an apprentice. It is perfect to clean with before setting up. Make sure to wait around 5 minutes before you wipe it off though!
Cavicide 1 - Kingpin Tattoo Supply
Angela Salorian profile picture
All artists use Isopropyl alcohol that is usually over 99% for many things. Used for disinfecting skin and cleaning certain equipment.
Amazon Basics 99% Isopropyl Alcohol
Angela Salorian profile picture
I suggest getting a huge tub of Vaseline or any brand of petroleum jelly. It is used constantly in the world of tattoing, both on real and fake skin. Fake skin is way easier to clean with Vaseline as well!
Petroleum Jelly in Bath & Body -
Angela Salorian profile picture
This aftercare cream is the answer for a fast healing. The formula is top-notch and will keep your tattoo perfectly moisturized for hours!!!

Tattoo Equipment

Angela Salorian profile picture
Wormhole needles are perfect for beginners. Affordable and high quality. I suggest starting with round liners and round shaders!
Wormhole Tattoo Cartridge Needles, 20pcs
Angela Salorian profile picture
These are some of the best fake skins on the market. Used a bunch as an apprentice. The width is perfect!
Urknall 10pcs Fake Skin Practice
Angela Salorian profile picture
These are the bottles I use for green soap mixture. They come in the prettiest colors as well!
Tattoo Water Bottles
Angela Salorian profile picture
A must for a good grip on your tattoo machine. These ones work perfectly!
Tattoo Grip Tape

Stencil Equipment

Angela Salorian profile picture
An affordable thermal printer for new tattoo artists that works really well. Mine has been working well for over 3 years so no complaints!
PHOMEMO M08F Thermal Tattoo Printer
Angela Salorian profile picture
Walmart has great options for stencil papers. I honestly enjoy the Spirit Classic ones the most. Stencils come out really crisp and clear every single time!
Spirit Thermal Tattoo Transfer Paper - Walmart
Angela Salorian profile picture
I have honestly only tried one brand of stencil stuff and it is this one. Does the job perfectly and that is why most artists have been using these for years!
Stencil Stuff - Walmart

Tattoo Learning Resources

Angela Salorian profile picture
One of the most unique stencil books I have ever seen. I love every single design. There are so many different styles to learn from. Definitely worth the purchase!
Tattoo Books | Stencils Vol. 3 - Kintaro Publishing
Angela Salorian profile picture
One of the best courses for beginner tattoo artists. Covers all the basics of tattooing. It is taught by Lily Lu and there's 17 lectures! She has an advanced course as well, but this is perfect for beginners!
How to TATTOO - MASTERCLASS - the full Basic for Beginner
Angela Salorian profile picture
This is hands down the best channel for learning how to tattoo. They show amazing techniques and tips in their tutorial videos. They are very educational and fun! They also have a website for all things related to tattooing. It even includes a free e...
Tattooing 101
Angela Salorian profile picture
Jasmine and her videos have motivated me so much as a tattoo artist. She always talks about how to get apprenticeships and her journey in general. So many inspiring videos to watch and learn from!
Jasmine Chan
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A great Youtube Channel if you're focusing on becoming a better tattoo designer. Very useful and detailed. Obsessed with their tutorials!