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Youtube channels that are actually entertaining

Purple Star emoji 15 items
I usually spend over 5 hours a day on Youtube which is absolutely concerning but these are all the channels that have kept me entertained for so long and I hope you find something new here!
Angela Salorian profile picture
My absolute favorite youtuber. She has three channels (MissMangoButt, Stephanie Soo and Rotten Mango). She posts mainly about true crime cases, books, tv shows, and food.
Angela Salorian profile picture
One of the best true crime youtubers out there. So respectful and she mentions every single detail. She also has a second channel called Ellie Neale and she usually posts travelling videos and other really funny videos with her friends.
eleanor neale
Angela Salorian profile picture
She makes lifestyle videos and they all have a really cozy vibe. Makes you wanna drink coffee and read a book.✨
carys rachel
Angela Salorian profile picture
Andrew Lowe has such entertaining food related videos. He has so many unique vegan recipes and he's also very funny🥰
Andrew Lowe
Angela Salorian profile picture
Been watching her for over 5 years atp. She mainly makes reaction videos to all things related to music, tv shows, and movies. She's absolutely hilarious as well.
ur internet mom ash
Angela Salorian profile picture
Been a fan of her for so long now. She usually makes lifestyle videos and food videos. She's so funny and chaotic. Always watch her when eating something.
Blair Walnuts
Angela Salorian profile picture
He makes amazing book related videos. All his vids are so chill and entertaining. Definitely broadened my taste in books a lot after watching his videos!!!
Jack Edwards
Angela Salorian profile picture
This channel is amazing in so many ways. The videos feel like poetry and makes you wanna go on an adventure. His channel is mainly about his life and travelling.
Angela Salorian profile picture
She doesn't post much but when she does, I immediately watch. She usually makes true crime videos, things related to controversial people, conspiracy theories and even makeup/lifestyle videos. Her conspiracy theory videos are the absolute best though...
Hailey Elizabeth
Angela Salorian profile picture
She's the only way I keep up with new dumb trends and internet drama. She's honestly so real and touches up on really important things in her videos while also being funny. Her style is also so cool. Love her!!!
Drama Kween
Angela Salorian profile picture
One of the funniest youtubers ever. She's currently making reaction videos to game of thrones and stranger things. Her bf's channel is called Just Trust Ash and they're even funnier together. Love em sm!!!
Angela Salorian profile picture
Her videos are always so freaking beautiful!!! She makes videos about her life in Norway and all of them are so cozy and unique. She's also a musician and filmmaker!!
Jonna Jinton
Angela Salorian profile picture
One of my favorite gamers on Youtube. Her taste in games is absolutely exquisite and she gives everything a chance. Her videos are usually over an hour long which i love and appreciate so much!!!
Gab Smolders
Angela Salorian profile picture
He makes such amazing long commentary videos about tv shows mainly. They are usually about the history and psychology about characters in old cartoons. So interesting and brings back so many memories✨
Angela Salorian profile picture
She makes a lot of videos about academics, reading, motivation, and travelling. Her videos are so upbeat and positive.
Unjaded Jade