Ready to start your childhood trauma and spirituality journey? Start here!
The book has a very thorough breakdown. Great if you are just starting your healing journey.
Self-Care for Adult Children of Immature Parents
Helps for women who are still effected by a toxic mother- daughter relationship.
Mother Hunger: How Adult Daughters Can Understand
Everyone should read this book! If you have body aches that can't be explained or you get so stress that you feel physical pain this book is for you!
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, Body
Vulnerability is important to live your best creative authentic life.
The Power of Vulnerability
Have you ever been sad just after someone enter the room. Can you say all the right words to comfort them? Are others emotions just too much? Then this is for you.
Empath And Psychic Abilities: Highly Sensitive People
As an empath myself it can feel like a burden. This will give you a fresh new perspective and teach you to use your gift.
Thriving as an Empath: 365 Days of Self-Care
Spiritual awakenings can be other worldly complex this helps to break down what you are going through.
You're Not Dying You're Just Waking Up - Kindle
We have all missed opportunities because we wanted to be perfect. We have also created opportunities because we have imperfect.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You...
A lot of trauma is passed on to people and they don't even know it.