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Chicken Coop / Hen House

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If you're looking to build a chicken coop, here are plans and instructions. With the price of eggs lately, it's a good investment. Here are some cost-saving tips.
Ashley Cuevas profile picture
Material list and building instructions
Chicken Coop Building Plans
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These laundry organizer bins are only $6. Way cheaper than nesting boxes from farm stores.
Cheap Nesting Boxes
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Saves me from having to rush out to let them out and protects the chickens from cold and predators.
Automatic, solar door for hen house.
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Sort eggs by the date they were collected so they aren't getting old in the bottom of a basket.
Egg Organizer
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This feed is only $13 autoshipped
HEALTHY HARVEST All Natural 16% Protein Layer Pellets ...
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Make your own bedding and nesting material out of shipping boxes.
Reuse Packing Material as Animal Bedding
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Easy way to have lights for collecting eggs and early morning hen care.
Solar Lights for Hen House
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If my chickens aren't laying I try to make sure they're not getting too much calcium from the laying pellets. This is what I like to mix into their feed to dilute the laying pellets if they aren't laying.
HEALTHY HARVEST Scratch Grains Chicken Feed
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This is what I use with a solar power bank to keep the hens' water from freezing.
Farm Innovators Farm Innovators HB-60P 2 Gallon Heat Poult Drinker
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I have this installed on my chicken coop to power the heated water bucket. Sometimes I have to charge it inside and bring it out when it's too cold.
Solar Powered Power Bank with AC Outlet
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These are the totes I use as nesting boxes.
(3 pack) Mainstays Flexible Plastic Closet Storage Bin, Arctic White
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Here's my solar power bank powering the chicken water bucket.
Solar Powered Chicken Coop
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Hay bales can help provide a little security and block some wind while they are in the chicken run.
Block Wind
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Hemp bedding blocks smells well.
Premium Hemp Garden Mulch
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Here's my review video about the chicken waterer I use.
Chicken waterer review
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So much easier than poultry staples!
Fas-n-Tite Exterior-Coated Fence Post Screws (#12 x ) - 75 Pieces
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If you're in a windy area, you'll need to anchor down your coop.
Keeps my swing set and chicken coop in place