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Yoga Every Damn Day

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Yoga is a great practice to implement into your workout routine, but getting started can be intimidating. These are great starting points to get into yoga!
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A book is a great way to have flows in front of you!
Amazon Best Sellers: Best Yoga
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There are so many options for mats. Find the one that you like!
Yoga Mat
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Gaiam is a great resource and brand associated with yoga.
Shop Gaiam for yoga, fitness, meditation, active sitting, and wellness
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Adriene has great videos to get you started with a home practice!
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There’s a bunch of different types of yoga - so finding what interests you is best to be consistent!
Types of Yoga: A Guide to the Different Styles - Yoga Medicine
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This was my first ever yoga book and I still use it today - nearly 10 years later
The Women's Health Big Book of Yoga
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Yoga wheels can be incredibly helpful for stretching!
Yoga Wheel
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Having a dedicated space to practice is helpful to get you in the right mindset
How to Create a Peaceful Yoga Corner in Your Home
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Great way to build a random flow or to challenge yourself!
Yoga Cards
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Blocks are a great tool during yoga poses
Yoga Blocks – Manduka
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Straps are another tool that can be used!
Yoga Straps – Manduka
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If you’re taking classes, this is a great way to travel with your mat.
Kindfolk Yoga
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Great clothing made with yoga in mind!
Alo Yoga | Yoga leggings, clothes, and accessories for studio to street
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Renege to clean your mat!
Yoga Mat Wash and Refresh - Manduka
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A great way to include your kids in your yoga practice!
Cosmic Kids Yoga