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If Film School isn't your thing, checkout this selection of affordable Books! You'll learn about editing, screenplays, Indie Filmmaking, and other important things that Film School doesn't even teach you!

For Beginners!

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This book is perfect for an Amateur Indie Filmmaker!
Broke Indie Filmmaker: Starting Your Filmmaking
Ben Capps profile picture
Learning your screenplay essentials as an Indie Filmmaker/Content Creator is going to save you a lot of headache!
The Screenplay Outline Workbook: Step-by-Step Guide
Ben Capps profile picture
Sign up for a free trial on Audible to give this Audio Book a listen!
What You Don't Learn in Film School: Guide to Filmmaking
Ben Capps profile picture
The long running "For Dummies" book series offers a Filmmaking option!
Filmmaking For Dummies
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Learn exactly HOW to shoot a Short Film on a Tight Budget with this bestseller which was praised by Vincent M. Ward from The Walking Dead!
Cheap Movie Tricks: Shoot A Short Film Under $2,000
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This one is for the Younger Audience that might want to get started early! However, it could be the perfect option for beginners with no experience!
Filmmaking For Kids


For those who have Dipped their toes in, but still want to learn more!

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Of course, Mastering your Camera Lenses will be important when you start working with more Complicated Shots!
Mastering Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO & Exposure
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Learn how 23 year old Filmmaker Robert Rodriguez became a Hollywood Player with just $7,000!
Rebel without a Crew: How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker...
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Starting a script is the Easy Part. Wrapping things up is usually pretty tough, so try giving this one a look!
Finish the Script!: College Screenwriting Course
Ben Capps profile picture
Learn the ins and outs of Adobe Premiere Pro, if that's the route you are taking with Editing!
Premiere Pro for Filmmakers (Digital Filmmaking)
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If you're looking to spend a little bit more money, learn Cinematography Theory!
Cinematography: Theory and Practice for Cinematographers
Ben Capps profile picture
Another good one that tells you some things you won't learn in Film School!
What Film Schools Don’t Tell You: Guide to Movies