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Streaming Gear I Love

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These are some of the items I've used in my streaming journey that I'd recommend for anyone wanting to get started or upgrade.
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This is pretty much an all-in-one tool to manage your stream.
Stream Deck MK.2 - Elgato
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My current mic.  Worth every penny.
USB C Broadcast Dynamic Mic for Content Creators - BEACN
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Great starter mic if you're looking for something with great quality at a lower pricepoint.
FIFINE AmpliGame AM8 RGB USB/XLR Dynamic Mic with Touch ...
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This cute Tetris inspired light set always gets attention.  I love it.
Tetris Light
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Good computer at a great price
Shop Custom Gaming PCs and Desktops | iBUYPOWER®
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Capture console to stream via computer.
Game Capture HD60 X - Elgato
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I love this creamy TKL keyboard so much!  I have two, one for gaming and one for work.
EPOMAKER x Aula F75 Gasket Mechanical Keyboard ...
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Solid, classic gaming mouse.
Logitech G502 HERO High Performance Gaming Mouse
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The camera I'm currently using.  Great quality and excellent software.
Facecam MK.2 | Elgato
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Great starter webcam if you're looking for good quality on a budget.
C922 Pro Stream 1080p Webcam + Capture Software - Logitech