Have you ever been so inspired by a content creator that you actually learned something while you laughed? Me too! These art world creators need to be on your list.
The People
Their Shops
The People
These are my influencers!
Tatyana is the queen of art history, particularly Renaissance and Baroque pieces. Don't miss her videos.
Instagram (@aboutart.tks)
Carrie runs SEEN, an art education & advisory platform, which is totally awesome.
Instagram (@carriescottcurates)
Tamela is a fantastic actress and all around entertainer, writer, director, etc. She can do it all.
Instagram (@tameladamico)
St. Jon is a designer of candles, scents, and place. Her interior design, Hollywood insight, and spiritual art is so welcoming.
Instagram (@helloplantdreamingdeep)
Emily is one of the best makeup artists out there.
Instagram (@emilyazmakeup)
Adi is a painter in Rome and dazzles with art content you shouldn't miss.
Instagram (@adikichel)
Jen paints nature like you've never seen and philosophizes about life while she's at it.
Instagram (@wayofjen)
Katee is a blacksmith, painter, sculptor, and more.
Instagram (@kateeboyle)
Emily has a fantastic Substack and art advisory site. Her content is pure delight.
Instagram (@howtoart.by.emily)
Paddy supports artists in the most uplifting way. Love seeing her come across my feed.
Instagram (@vvrkshop.art)
Alvaro has one of the best art industry newsletters out there.
Instagram (@theartmarketguy)
Jerry Gogosian is entertainment and art at the same time. Need satire? Start here.
Instagram (@jerrygogosian)
Alica is the social media manager for Positions Art Fair in Berlin. I love her short takes on art.
Instagram (@lilos_art.adventures)
Katy connects the culturally curious. She has great videos about cultural happenings.
Instagram (@misskatywick)
OK, Kira is up there as one of my top influencers. I always look for her content. It's a must-see for the art curious!
Instagram (@theartrevival_)
Aura Copeland - This Miami art gallery owner and magazine editor has 3 IG accounts showing you all around the art, artists, and happenings in her Miami gallery.
Instagram (@lescouleurs_contemporary)
This Sotheby's auctioineer is fabulous! She's witty and astute. You'll fall in love with her.
Instagram (@phyllliskao)
If you want a behind-the-scenes look at art handling, this IG account is mesmerizing.
Instagram (@yarafineart)
Liz and crew believe art is for everyone and give really great talks on their reels.
Instagram (@lizlidgettgallery)
Ceri is a coach, but her IG content is valuable to artists and art professionals.
Instagram (@cerihand)
I love that an art supply store is an influencer. You have to see their informative posts!
Instagram (@jacksons_art)
Lucy takes you around London to share cute gallery offerings.
Instagram (@lucymcorban)
Their Shops
This is what my influencers make, sell, or do!
St. Jon's candles are the best you'll ever have.
Shop | Plant Dreaming Deep
Tamela reps some of the best products out there, and she gives out a lot of codes too.
Influencer - Tamela D'Amico
I have a membership to SEEN and I love it. Keeps me up to date about the art world…like an insider.
Memberships — Seen.Art
Tatyana writes the best narratives about heartbreak in art
Love, Heartbreak, & Tragedy In Art
Tatyana's bag is fabulously funny- and fun!
Funny Art Historian Definition Tote Bag
Emily is a makeup artist and professional quilter. She sells these upcycled jackets on Etsy. Check out the whole line.
Custom Upcycled Denim Jacket
You really have to see Adi's art. Contact her directly to buy or get information.
Kichel Art Gallery
Jen has a book and many paintings for sale. They are really sublime pieces.
Seasons of Water — Way of Jen
I never miss Emily's Substack newsletter. She has such great insights and experience.
Emily Van Driessen | Substack
Paddy's network is pretty amazing. She really offers a lot of advice to a wide audience.
Netvvrk — VVrkshop
Join Alvaro's newsletter because he gives regular deep dives into the art market and offers a bit more than the regular newsletter.
First, join the newsletter. Then, shop merch.
The Jerry Report
Katy's “objects of desire” page is totally fun to browse!
Objects of Desire Archives
Kira's shop is changing inventory but check out these cute sweatshirts.
The Art Revival
Here's Yara's home page if you're in the market for art services.
Yara Fine Art Services
Here's the events page for Aura Copeland Gallery…and more!
Events — Aura Copeland Gallery
In the market for art and design services? Here's Liz's site.
Liz Lidgett Gallery and Design
Ceri has a lot of offerings- from coaching to a podcast.