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25 items
Bethany Miller
Setting out to study art history or just love to learn about art? I gotcha. Here are all the resources you could possibly need.
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Dive in and fill up your brain
I love Masterclass! Here, one of the most well known pop artists teaches you modern art.
MasterClass | Jeff Koons Teaches Art and Creativity
How cool would it be to learn spray paint art?
MasterClass | Futura Teaches Spray-Painting and Abstract Art
JR is one of the art world's hottest working artists. Learn about how to change and create through this interesting documentary.
MasterClass | “Tehachapi” by Artist JR
Misty Copeland is a phenomenal dancer. Learn the art of dancing with her.
MasterClass | Misty Copeland Teaches Ballet Technique and Artistry
Learn about art from Sotheby's
Sotheby's Institute of Art
Target shopper? Pick up Art Education Beyond the Classroom for a little bit of art learning.
Art Education Beyond the Classroom - by A Wexler (Hardcover)
Teaching art to kids will fundamentally change their lives.
How to Teach Art to Children, Grade 1 - 6 Teacher Resource - (Art Resources) by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers (Paperback)
Art games are so much fun- this one teaches a lot.
Art Decko Board Game
Play cards and learn about art- win/win!
Modern Art - The Card Game (2013 Edition) Board Game
Umm, this is not just for kids! Awesome fun for art learners of all ages.
Math Art and Drawing Games for Kids - by Karyn Tripp (Paperback)
The Met has an entire section devoted to learning resources- in person, online, and downloadable.
Learning resources
Learn art with the Smithsonian, online or in person!
Smithsonian Associates - Entertaining. Informative. Eclectic. Insightful.
I'm dying to have this art history coloring book. How fun!
The Art History Coloring Book
I can see playing this card game with friends and having the best time!
The Art Game: New Edition, 50 Cards
I want this for Christmas! If any of my friends are reading this, please get me this!!
CMON Classic Art Board Game for Adults
Oh my gosh, this looks hilarious! It's on my “immediately” list at Amazon.
The A.R.T. Project | Cooperative Board Game
I saw this at an art store and it's just great- I want to gift this to everyone in my arts circle for their birthday next year.
Games Room Art Trivia
Another fun coloring book to add to the stack!
Famous Painters: An Educational Coloring Book
Go to Events
Sometimes you just have to see it to believe it.
Going to a gallery opening? Nothing to wear? Never fear, Rent the Runway is there for you.
Put Your Closet in the Cloud | Rent the Runway
Interesting online arts and culture community
Art and Culture Events
In London? Check this out!
Events - For Art History
In northern NewJersey and online!
Windows of Understanding
In upstate NY? Try these art events.
Art and Art History Events | Colgate University
The Smithsonian has art events!
The Smithsonian - Understanding Art: A Guide to the Basics
Attend cultural festivals in your area
List of top 10 cultural festivals of United States