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Bonnie Henderson
Mom of 2 boys and attorney.
Bonnie Henderson's Lists
Things to do at the Jersey Shore
6 items
I live by the shore so these are my recommendations as a local.
Things to do in Philadelphia
13 items
I lived in Philadelphia for a year and this is the best places to go and see as a tourist!!
The Law School List
13 items
This is everything that helped me get through law school.
Beauty essentials
15 items
This list includes my absolute favorite products. I worked at Sephora over a decade ago, during undergrad, and have been a makeup junkie since.
The baby list
47 items
My essentials for a new baby. I am a mom of an autistic 3 year old and a 20 month old (both boys). This is everything that got me through the hard parts. Also, it really does get better! So from one mom to another, hang in there! Sleep WILL come eventually.