A good shampoo is equally as important as a good hair mask. We don't want to strip away all the natural scalp oils (it protects your hair & gives it shine). Otherwise it will make it more greasy, damaged & dull. Down below are some of my favorite shampoos to keep my hair looking fresh, clean and healthy.
Conditioners and masks are what keep your hair looking "alive"! They're like food for your hair, therefore you shouldn't skip them. To obtain the finest results, leave them in for as long as possible!
Oils are essential for your hair roots & ends. Don't want split-dead looking ends that you have to trim too often? Well, time to add oils in your hair care rutine. I've tried almost all of them and from shoulder lenght brittle hair, now it is down to waist lenght!
These products have helped me build an easy hair rutine and keep my hair long and shiny!