All the best products to get your garden up and running and keep it growing for beautiful bountiful plants!!
I have done a lot of gardening and nothing starts my garden off as well as this Jiffy Seed Starting Mix. This is my go to for starting both vegetables and flowers.
This heat mat is awesome! For those seeds that require a little warmer temperature, this mat help bring them right out of their shell.
Ferry-Morse Germination Heat Mat for Seed Starting
This is the perfect grow light for starting seeds indoors, especially if you don't have a lot of room. I set up a TV tray and put a seed starter kit under this and BOOM, veggies are on their way!
Ferry-Morse Indoor Grow Light Fixture with T5 Bulb 24 x ...
Love these mini greenhouses for starting plants. If you are limited on space you can us just 1 or 2. If you have a lot of space, you can get more and put them on shelves!! These are a huge help when starting seeds indoors.
Greenhouses & Seed Starting Trays
Perfect for transplanting the plants that are ready without having to transplant them outside when the temperature is still a little too cold and prevents the soil from getting all over your floor.
Repotting Mat for Plant Transplanting and Mess ...
While these may be intended for flowers, when I didn't have a fenced in garden I used these deck planters for my lettuce plants to keep the animals from getting into them. They worked perfect!!
Deck box planter Pots & Planters at
These are absolutely my favorite raised garden beds. They are perfect for any back or front yard and look so much more trendy than the wooden ones. While I definitely still like the wooden ones, these are by far my favorite!
Raised Garden Beds - The Home Depot
If you are looking for some cheaper ideas for raised garden beds, there are a ton of plastic ones and these will do the job just as well as the expensive ones. I had peppers and cherry tomatoes in mine last year and it worked great!
Plastic Raised Garden Beds at
All the vegetable seeds you need to start an amazing garden right here! I am a hoarder of seeds. Everytime we are at the store I find more I want. But that's okay, right?
Vegetable Seeds - Plant Seeds
Don't forget to label your seed trays while planting!! Last year it was a guessing game for me when the seeds started sprouting because I forgot to label them!! While that was interesting, I wouldn't recommend it!!
Vigoro Plant and Garden Plastic T-Labels (25-Pack) 5543
I don't use a lot of tools, but that will depend on your situation. I would recommend a garden shovel and garden bag for sure even if you are planting in containers. The rest depends on if you are planting in a field or a raised garden bed.
Garden Tools
Get your kids out there gardening with you!!! My kids love to garden with me and have even started asking to grow their own items when it is time to plant seeds.
Hey! Play! Kids Gardening Tool Set HW3300024
I used the Jobe's tomato plant sticks last year and had my best year of tomatoes yet!! Recommend tomato plant food to avoid blossom end rot!
Tomato Plant Food & Fertilizer
Get your little one some gardening gloves and let them join in the fun of planting, transplanting and weeding that garden!!
Childrens Gardening Gloves
Doesn't matter which pair you get, I have used all sorts of different gloves for gardening and they all are pretty equal. Suggest ones that will let your hands breathe though for when it is hot outside.
Best Gardening Gloves
These little garden carts have been such a help, from weeding and having the cart there to haul off the weeds, to hauling the bags of soil to fill the garden beds, they have definitely saved me from aches and pains in my back.
Garden Carts - Garden Tools
This was a product recommendation from a friend, so when putting down our weed mat last year, we put this down first to prevent weeds from growing through the mats. It has actually been a year and we haven't had much for weeds so far. Great product. ...
Preen 2463802 Garden Weed Preventer, 31.3 lb
You will definitely need a garden hose nozzle so you don't have to hold your finger over the hose to spray it on the garden.
Best Garden Hose Nozzles
So many garden hoses to choose from. We have had cheap ones and expensive ones. The middle of the road hoses have historically been just fine for us, but they are definitely a necessity.
Garden Hoses - Watering Essentials
These individual transplanting pots with covers are so awesome, especially if you use a large tray. Some plants may need some more greenhouse effect, so transplanting them into these and using the cover works great. I reuse these every year.
Seedling Transplant Pots
These seed starting kits are great, especially if you are starting a lot of seeds at one time! With the 72 cell starter, you can get a lot of seeds off to a good start indoors at once.
Watering cans for your garden or veggies in containers. I use watering cans for all of the plants I have in containers on my deck so I don't have to get the hose out everyday to water. The kids even like helping with this watering can.
Watering Cans / Lawn & Garden Watering Equipment
Used these reusable Burpee trays this year for starting seeds indoors. So much better than the cheaper thin plastic ones. They come with a bottom tray but no top for the greenhouse effect, but didn't seem to lessen the number of seeds that sprouted.
Burpee: Trays
Friends of our have this flexi hose and we just tried it for the first time. It is amazing! Starts out at the normal length and as it fills with water it stretches out well beyond that for extra reach.