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Books That Help Expand my Mindset

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Check out my handpicked book list, covering History, Health & Wellness, Black Experience, Philosophy, and Fiction. Each title dives into a unique part of our world—offering fresh insights, powerful stories, and inspiring ideas. Enjoy the journey!


Explore pivotal moments and captivating narratives that shaped our world.

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A detailed account of humanity's creation and evolution that explores the ways in which biology and history have defined us and enhanced our understanding of what it means to be "human".
Robert Davis profile picture
A crucial global conversation about how to take on the problems of the twenty-first century.
21 Lessons for the 21st Century
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As the self-made gods of planet Earth, what destinies will we set ourselves, and which quests will we undertake? Open your mind to the possibility of Man becoming obsolete.
Homo Deus
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The history of the worlds most famous secret society.
The Freemasons
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Dispenses financial advice through a collection of parables set in ancient Babylon.
The Richest Man in Babylon
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Another book that will challenge you perspective on psychedelics and the role it played in the origins of Western civilization, and a real-life quest for the Holy Grail.
The Immortality Key
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A deep dive into the activities Charles Manson and the conspiracy that the government was behind one of the most infamous criminals in history.
Robert Davis profile picture
Challenges preconceptions about the history behind modern society. Will open mind to new possibilities and way of thinking.
Fingerprints of the Gods

Black Experience

Immerse yourself in powerful voices and stories celebrating Black history and culture.

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Janie Crawford, a Southern Black woman in the 1930s, whose journey from a free-spirited girl to a woman of independence and substance.
Their Eyes Were Watching God
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What Sun Tzu’s Art of War was to ancient China, Pimp is to the streets. Kept me hooked cover to cover, with interesting characters and situations.
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Fanon, a phycologist, shares his own experiences while presenting a historical critique of the effects of racism and dehumanization, inherent in situations of colonial domination, on the human psyche.
Black Skin, White Masks
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If there was any one man who articulated the anger, the struggle, and the beliefs of African Americans in the 1960s, that man was Malcolm X.
The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley


Challenge your thinking with timeless insights and modern takes on life's big questions.

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Written over 500 years ago by Emperor Marcus Arillus, this book covers issues such as duty, forgiveness, brotherhood, strength in adversity and the best way to approach life and death. Considered on the of the greatest guides.
Robert Davis profile picture
Explains the ancient wisdom of the Toltec to reveal the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and creates needless suffering.
The Four Agreements
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Gives insights on how to organize, prioritize, and act on information to turn it into opportunity.
How to Own Your Own Mind
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Carl Sagan argues that scientific thinking is critical not only to the pursuit of truth but to the very well-being of our democratic institutions.
The Demon-Haunted World
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Uses military principles of war and applies them to the social game of everyday life. As a veteran this has helped me reintegrate into society.
33 Strategies of War
Robert Davis profile picture
Interesting stories form the past 3000 yeas that give you philosophical insight on power from histories infamous strategists.
48 Laws of Power
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Knowing why people do what they do is the most important tool we can posses as social animals.
The Laws of Human Nature

Health & Wellness

Discover guides and inspiring reads to boost your mind, body, and spirit

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With depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicide on the rise this is a must read for parents. The author uses clinically back information to explain why our mental health, as a society, is on the decline.
The Anxious Generation
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This book help you find the delicate balance between pleasure and pain, and why finding a balance is essential.
Dopamine Nation
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Uncovers the corporate scheme to sell pleasure, driving the international epidemic of addiction, depression, and chronic disease.
The Hacking of the American Mind
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A book about money that isn't a get rich quick scheme, but a guide on how your behavior affects your life.
The Psychology of Money


Escape into imaginative worlds with unforgettable characters and compelling stories.

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A novel about an Anti-Hero who, in his quest to find his long lost true love, influences man kind.
Up Jumps the Devil: Poore, Michael
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A novel about a man who is reincarnated over ten thousand lifetimes to be with his one true love: Death herself.
Reincarnation Blues: A Novel - Books
Robert Davis profile picture
A high paced thriller about an investigative reporter who uncovers a shadow group and its plan to manipulate society.
The Network: A Novel
Robert Davis profile picture
A follow-up to The Network. Takes place two years after the first book. Better than the first.
The Silent Conspiracy: A Novel
Robert Davis profile picture
About a group of British schoolboys marooned on a tropical island who begin to forge their own society with rules and rituals. It highlights the duality of human nature itself.
Lord of the Flies
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A book about the Napoleonic wars that studies the philosophy of the time while giving props to the Russian spirit.
War and Peace