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My Favourite T-Shirts From The 80's

Purple Star emoji 21 items
These are some of my favourite t-shirts from popular culture in the 1980's.

TV Show T-Shirts

There were so many classic TV shows from the 1980's! 

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What a classic show! The “Hoff” -  Kit car combo!
Knight Rider T-Shirt
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
Alex P. Keaton - one of my favourite TV characters of all time! I still LOVE this show, to this day!
Family Ties T-Shirts
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I used to watch this show on Friday nights, and I was so upset when I would miss it! I haven't looked it up on streaming yet, but I really should!
Dukes Of Hazzard T-Shirts
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Just LOVED this show as a kid! Don't see it around much these days. Grab some classic shirts here.
Growing Pains T-Shirts

Movie T-Shirts

Many of my favourite movies are from the 1980's.

Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
It's Star Wars! Get some killer shirts here!
Star Wars T-Shirts
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
One of my favourite movie series of all time! Love the design and colors of all their merch!
Back To The Future T-Shirts
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
My favourite movie of all time! Grab some merch here!
Top Gun T-Shirts

Music TV T-Shirts

MTV and Much Music in Canada were the soundtrack to our youth!

Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
“I want my MTV”! Pick up some vintage shirts here!
MTV T-Shirts
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
Wanna know what "Canadian MTV was called"? Much Music! They have such sweet logos! Grab a T here!
Much Music T-Shirts

Gaming T-Shirts

I was the furthest thing from a gamer, but I just love all of the logos and style!

Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
Was never much of a gamer, but I always thought Atari stuff was pretty cool!
Atari T-Shirts
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
Never played it, but always really liked their logos and imagery.
Colecovision T-Shirts
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
I'm pretty sure most people that I grew up with, knew this gaming system!
Nintendo T-Shirt

Toy T-Shirts

It seems like just yesterday that these toys were all the rage!

Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
I'll never be able to solve this, but I still love it!
Rubiks Cube T-Shirts
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
What a classic game! I think it's been in the houses I've lived in, most of my life!
Hungry Hippo T-Shirts
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
You know you loved them right?
Care Bear T-Shirts
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
I still remember parents that I grew up with, doing everything possible to aquire one of these for their kids way back in the day!
Cabbage Patch Shirt - Etsy

Drink T-Shirts

There were some pretty neat drinks created back in the 80's

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Seems like just yesterday I was enjoying this drink and their fun commercials!
Kool Aid T-Shirts

Soft Drink T-Shirts

Soft drinks, and drink taste tests were all the rage back in the 80's!

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Still one of the most popular soft drinks to this day!
80s Coca Cola Shirt T-Shirts
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
Remember the Coke - Pepsi taste tests? Oh the drama!
Pepsi T-Shirts
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
I've always loved the log and the colors!
Sprite T-Shirts
Tim Mushey The Busy Active Dad profile picture
Just LOVE these designs, and I still drink the drink!
Fanta Orange T-Shirts