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My Favorite Amazon Purchases!

Purple Star emoji 13 items
Amazon Purchases I suggest!

Fun Purchases!

All of my fun purchases!

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Bingo set!
Regal Bingo Deluxe Game Set with Wheel Cage

Purchases for my kids!

My favorite purchases for my kids!

Faith Nye profile picture
My favorite gloves for my kids!
N'Ice Caps Kids Waterproof Thinsulate Gloves
Faith Nye profile picture
Our favorite kids jeans!
Amazon Essentials Boys' Slim Fit Jeans
DHP Phoenix Twin Bunk Bed, Black, Solid Wood
Faith Nye profile picture
Ipad Cases
Timecity iPad 9/8/7 Gen Case - Green
Faith Nye profile picture
The cutest addition to my son's toy collection
Casdon De'Longhi Toy Barista Coffee Machine

Misc. Purchases!

Random Stuff i have bought and highly suggest!

Faith Nye profile picture
Affordable Iphone 13 pro max case!
ESR iPhone 13 Pro Max Case, MagSafe, Shockproof
TheraICE Migraine Relief Cap & Cold Mask
Faith Nye profile picture
Hands down the best DEEP TISSUE massage for the neck! It got out some serious knots i had in my shoulders,
Nekteck Shiatsu Neck & Back Massager

Kitchen Purchases!

Every kitchen purchase i suggest!

Faith Nye profile picture
Create your own nut milk with these nut bugs!
Nut Milk Bags, 12"x12", 2 Pack, Unbleached
Faith Nye profile picture
Stardew Valley Cookbook!
The Official Stardew Valley Cookbook
Faith Nye profile picture
Five Nights at Freddys Cookbook
Five Nights at Freddy's Cookbook: AFK Book
Faith Nye profile picture
Organize your cupboard!
Airtight Food Storage Containers 14-Pack