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Chris Davis Proud profile picture

Chris Davis Proud

Author, Lesbian, Mainer, Feminist, Exmormon, Survivor. Living my best life and sharing my thoughts!
Chris Davis Proud's Lists
Pee-wee Herman Is My Muse cover photo collage

Pee-wee Herman Is My Muse

When I say that I am a super fan, you might assume that I had Pee-wee's Big Adventure memorized. And you would be right. You might assume that I had a special t-shirt that told the world how much I enjoyed his brand of humor. I have four of those shirts, actually. You might assume that I quoted him often and playfully imitated his antics over the years. Anyone who knows me, knows that to be disturbingly accurate. For too many years, I’ve been teased for my devotion to the comedic genius of Paul Reubens, including someone who saw my collection of memorabilia just this past weekend and asked me what the hell was wrong with me. I’ll tell you exactly what is wrong with me. I lived through many decades of abuse of varying types which caused me pain and hopelessness. I hated my life and the role I played in the world so much that I wanted it to end. Beginning way back in high school in the ‘80s I was introduced to this maestro of silliness. His chuckle made me happy and his smile healed my heart. I shared his message of laughter and I celebrated his mission to stand up and be counted with the weirdos and the misfits. Pee-wee is my muse. He is my idol. He doesn’t know it but he is my friend on those long dark nights. To say that I am saddened by his passing would be a colossal understatement. I had no idea he was sick with cancer for the past 6 years. And what did he do with his final 6 years on this planet? This generous human gave his fans the gift of new art. He made a new movie, he went on tour, he engaged with us on social media. He chose to leave a legacy of love and resilience during these tumultuous times. And instead of burdening us with the news of his health issues, he made us laugh to his dying day. Bravo, Pee-wee Herman. Thank you for sharing your heart and thank you for inspiring us to play and laugh. I will continue to share my passion for your work and I will continue to celebrate the bright hope you have given me and others like me over the past 4 precious decades. Rest In Pudding, my friend, because who doesn’t love pudding?