Smart wifi-enabled wall adapter that uses the flow of electricity to connect multiple devices.
Smart speaker box that connects to wifi and creates great musical selection.
Cameras to keep your home safe while your in or out about.
Great humidifier for adding moisture in the home to prevent dryness and irritation.
Eliminates chemicals and pollutants for fresher air.
Make ice with the click of a button from your phone.
Automated vacuum and cleaners for carpets, tiles and wood floors.
Control the lights and its shade from your phone.
Key finders used to eliminate losing keys or valuable items.
Smart light for the home that connects to apps and also voice commands.
Smart TV remote control that can be used as a universal control and some works off voice commands.
Thermostats that allows you to stay in bed while changing the temp from your phone.
Smart TV have built wifi connection that allows connection wirelessly to the internet and streaming services.
Smart automated trash cans for simple use.