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Purple Star emoji 8 items
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The box is quite large. Plenty of "emergency water" for any use good for 5 years. very helpful for emergency or disaster situations
DATREX Emergency Water Pouch, 125 ml
Emergency Food & Survival Food Meals & Kits - Mountain House
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Hopefully we won't have to use it, but the Water Bob is a perfect way to store water in your tub during emergencies that keeps the water safe and clean.
WaterBOB 100 Gallon Emergency Water Container
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This item is a very important item and part to have! Lightweight, doesn't take up much space; made with good quality and doesn't leak. Easy to clean
LifeStraw Personal Water Filter for Travel
Blue Can 50 Year Shelf Life Water
Augason Farms Lunch & Dinner Emergency Food Supply 11.03 lbs
Augason Farms Freeze Dried Sliced Strawberries 6.4 oz No. 10 Can
Augason Farms Vegetable Medley CN 33oz