I was diagnosed with Ciliac's Disease about five years ago. I struggled to find things to eat, products to use, that would not make me sick. I feel I have a pretty good handle on it now and I am creating this list to help others who may struggle as w...
Safe Food
GF Products
Let's have some fun with it.
Learn what CD is, how to heal yourself, eat, and live with your diagnosis.
This is where I started my research.
What is Celiac Disease? | Celiac Disease Foundation
This book saved my life
Celiac Disease For Dummies|Paperback
Thing like this printable cheat sheet are a great tool to have not only for yourself but for others.
For those who love to read and get another persons view on the disease.
Everyoneâ??s Got Something: My First Year with Celiac Disease - Paperback - GOOD
A guided book to help you through your journey. Great as a gift too for your loved one or friend who is newly diagnosed.
The First Year: Celiac Disease and Living Gluten-Free: An Essential Guide - GOOD
How exhausting is it to explain to anyone especially wait staff about how you can absolutely not ingest a trace of gluten. It is not a “diet” it is a disease that causes hard to your body and makes your extrmely sick. This is so handy.
Gluten Free Translation Card • Restaurant Card for Celiac Disease • Select from 50 Languages • Gluten • Medical Alert Card for Travel
What a great idea for kids who go on field trips or with family.
5, 10, 25 ties - Celiac Disease Awareness Bracelets, wrist bands, or hair ties. great for support, gift, classmate, alert, fundraising
You can never be to careful. It is hard enough for us to deal with CD let alone our children who do not fully understand the severity of the disease.
Celiac Disease Information Sheet for Kid, Gluten Free Kid, Gluten Free Diet Food List, For School, Daycare, Classroom, Kitchen
I honestly do not feel this is just a book for children. This book is for all of us.
Celiac Disease, Children's Book, Gluten Free is Not Fun for Me, Autographed Copy. Celiac Awareness, Allergies, Auto Immune Disease.
Welcome Foodie's and Cook's
I Love this book. My daughter-in-law is vegan and uses recipe's out of this book as well. Modified if needed.
The Everything Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Cookbook: 300 Simple and Satisfying Recipes without Gluten or Dairy|eBook
These receipes are actually very good. I have to modify some of them because of the dairy.
The 30-Minute Gluten-Free Cookbook: 100+ Quick and Simple Recipes For Every Day|Paperback
Let's Bake!
The Everything Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Baking Cookbook: 200 Recipes for Delicious Baked Goods Without Gluten or Dairy|Paperback
Safe Food
Tried and tasted
These are my favorite. Remember to use a gluten-free/uncontaminated toaster