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Pay It Forward

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Paying it forward can create a ripple effect of kindness! Here are some great ideas to help get you started.

Random Acts of Kindness

Random acts of kindness will go far to help make someone else's day just a little bit more special. 

Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Pay it forward with a random act of kindness. You can pay for someone behind you in line, or pay and tell the staff to choose someoen to pay it forward to. Either way you're giving someone a gift.
Starbucks Coffee Company
Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Consider giving someone a gift of a meal or an Hors d'oeuvres next time you dine out. It will make their day.
Best Restaurants Near Me - Tripadvisor
Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Step out of your comfort zone and choose a way to make a difference in the world around you. Random acts of kindness make a difference.
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | Welcome

Plant a Tree or Community Garden

Planting a tree or a community garden can help to beautify the world around you and feed the masses. 

Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Make a difference in the world around you by planting a tree or community garden.
Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden
Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Let these ideas inspire you wherever you reside. Community gardens are a great way to help others and secure their food supply.
Community Gardens | Eugene, OR Website
Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Purchase plenty of seeds to supply your community garden and make a difference in the community around you.
Plants, Seeds & Bulbs
Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Celebrate arbor day and plant free trees for your community.
About Arbor Day Foundation Membership
Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Change the world with Guerilla Gardening. Whether you plant flowers in a vancant lot, by the stop sign, or that eye sore concrete barrier, guerilla gardening is here to stay. Guerilla gardening is the act of planting something somewhere to beautify t...
r/GuerrillaGardening - Reddit

Volunteer Your Time

If you have nothing else to give, you can still give your time to volunteer in your community and make a difference. 

Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Make a difference in the world around you by volunteering your time. Even i you only have an hour, you can make a huge difference in the world around you.
Volunteer | Serve Washington
Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Step out of your comfort zone and volunteer your time and skills. It doesn't take much to make a huge difference in someone elses life.
VolunteerMatch - Where Volunteering Begins


Donate goods to shelters, food pantries, and thrift stores. 

Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Your contributions aren't just helpful, often, they are tax deductible. How can you help? Volunteer at a food bank, collect food for the food bank, donate to a thrift store or choose a family in need and anonymously donate to them. There are a wide v...
Publication 526 (2023), Charitable Contributions - IRS

Help the Elderly/Neighbors

Help the elderly or your neighbors by running errands for them, taking them to appointments or the grocery store. 

Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Make a difference in someone else's life by helping run errands, take them to appointments or to the store.
Help Others | Mental Health America

Share Your Skills

Everyone is good at something. Reach out and donate som eof your skills to others. You can also trade skills sets with others by helping them with their projects in return for their help with your projects. 

Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Share your skills with others. Work together for the betterment of your entire community.
Share Skills Online: Home

Support Local Causes

Support local causes and businesses. 

Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Support local causes by volunteering your time and efforts to help  spread the word and improve the world around you.
Top global causes you should support in 2024

Compliment a Stranger

You never know what someone else may be going through. Step out of your comfort zone and give the next person you see a nice compliment. 

Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Compliment a random stranger. You just may make their day.
Complimenting strangers : r/HumansBeingBros - Reddit

Care Packages

Create a care package for the homeless, needy, or shelters. 

Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Create care packages for the homeless.
Assemble Care Kits for the Homeless | Family-Friendly Project Guide
Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Create care packages for our soldiers. While they're out putting their lives on the line for our country, we can be supportive of them and reach out with care packages during the holidays.
Sending a Military Care Package: What You Need to Know

Be Kind

Be kind and supportive online by sharing positive affirmations and thoughts. Encourage others. 

Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
It only takes a moment to be kind. Every word you type or say can be helpful or hurtful. Choose to be kind and supportive. Encourage others. We never know what someone else may be going through.
Jordyn's Summer Shirt Project: Be Kind to Everyone®

Carry Someone's Groceries

It only takes a few minutes to step out of our comfort zone and share our time by carrying someone's groceries. That elderly customer, the mother that has several kids in tow, or even your mother. 

Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Carry someone's groceries with these great handles.
Grocery Bag Carrier
Linda Wilson-Clark profile picture
Offer to carry someone's groceries. It means a lot to an elderly person, pregnant person, or the family with several children.
Trying to carry your groceries in one trip is probably the most effortful ...