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Creators big and small that fill my cup. My favorite social media accounts.

Purple Star emoji 15 items
I try to be intentional with creators and social media. There are so many out there, so I try to be extra picky and choose creators that really fill my cup. So I'm happy to share some of my most favorite creators. Oh & FYI most of these creators ...

Body Positvity

Creators that encourge people to celebrate and accept all types of bodies.

Emily Nepa profile picture
Sarah is one of the first people I started following on social media platforms. She's super relatable as a mother of four. Recently she has modeled for KNIX and promotes real bodies.
Instagram (@thebirdspapaya)
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Carys shows “Midsize outfits that honor your body”. She shows how her body changed after children. Realistic try ons and styling ideas.
Carys Whittaker on YouTube

Fashion + Beauty

I always find these creators for clothing and makeup advice.

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Midsize fashion with a smaller dose of mom life. I really apprecite the way Erica shows off styling of her outfits. They are realistic and comfy.
Instagram (@hiericasuckow)
Emily Nepa profile picture
Haleigh has a ton of outfit inspirations. She somehow manages to have a list for all occasions. Anything you need from the Eras tour dresses, winter coats, to Gilmore girl inspired outfits. I love to check out her lists.
Haleigh Wheeler | Profile on Benable
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Mariah is my fashion queen. She is a killer makeup artist with the best sense of style. I love how active she is across multiple social media platforms. She is my go to for fun fashion inspiration.
Instagram (@mariiahjasmiine)
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Are you seeing the trend here? Midsize mom fashion. Johanna has a unique style. She creates this mixture of cozy, laid back, and alternative clothing.
Instagram (@johannasmarsh)
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Rachels alternative sense of style is super cool. Her list reccomendations are so asthetically appealing. Make sure to check out her home decor.
Rachel Naomi | Profile on Benable


Laughter is the best medicine. Search these creators to feel better instantly. 

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You have definitely seen Isabels videos. She's a boatload of fun especially when she recreates 2000's makeup and hair trends. Remember the clip in hair extensions we all had? Make sure to find that video.
Isabel Clancy on TikTok
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The orginal “Utah Mom”,  Jane is hilarious. I love her skits that show “real influencers” She also shows some unscripted and family stuff.
Instagram (@jane)
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OK, I'll confess. The entitled housewife always has me laughing EVEN though I know nothing about golf or country clubs.
Instagram (@entitledhousewife)
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These two just seem like a really good time. I love to see the videos Alex and Jon make together. The newlyweds have used humor to cope with some difficult times in their lives.
Alex and Jon
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Yuri is best known for her Kardashian impressions. She portrays each one flawlessly down to the finger nail taps and salad shakes.
Yuri Lamasbella on TikTok


Helpful tips and ideas from parent creators. 

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Get ready to ulgy cry. Jess is an author that has the most thought provoking book about motherhood. She shares alot of pretty snippets from her book.
Instagram (@jessurlichs)
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A parenting account that shares a variety of differnt topics and views. Its a helpful way to get advice on what happens next with those kids.
Big Little Feelings
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A fresh view at all things mom related. Amy and Abby have a podcast that covers all the topics. Raising kids, technology, friendships, marriage and honestly the list goes on forever.
Instagram (@herselfpodcast)