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Rachel Cole
I'm a working homeschool mom of 3, trying my best for full-time adventure and part time travel out of South Florida. Come peek into our busy homeschool life!
Rachel Cole's Lists
Medieval Studies, Soft Launch Intro for Homeschoolers
3 items
Storybook STEM
18 items
Bring storytime to life with a hands on STEM activity to accompany your book. These are targeted to prek-3rd grade and can all be shifted to suite academic needs.
Gift Guide: DAD
8 items
He might not need a lot but these are all cool/practical gifts.
Gift guide: 9 yo GIRL
13 items
Everything my 9 year old daughter has on her wishlists.
Gift Guide: Teenage Girls
22 items
If you're not sure what to get for a teenage girl, here is a bunch of ideas from my own teen.
Gift Guide: Tween Boys
15 items
My 12 year old son built this list with me, it's a mix of specific and generic likes at this age.
Gift Guide: MOMS
22 items
This is a great gift guide for any birthday or holiday made especially for moms! These are all affordable and accessible items that any woman would enjoy. I use the exact or similar products. 10/10
Family Cruise: what we bought & packed
23 items
Cruising comfortably doesn't have to be hard, here is what we packed for a cruise with 10 people. Many of these small items have a huge impact.
Family Gaming: consoles and games for 2-4 players
14 items
We are definitely a gaming family and these are the consoles and games we play that are multi-player.
European Christmas Markets- Guides and Packing List
14 items
Here are some of the Christmas Markets we've visitied (and light shows) plus the items we took each time to stay warm, safe, and comfortable while shopping.
Every Family Game We Own (
13 items
This is all of the games that our family owns and ACTUALLY plays! These have been compiled over the years and are definite winners.
Theme Park With Kids-- NECESSITIES!!
20 items
As an avid theme park family we know what are must-haves and what are duds. This list has all of the necessities to make your day more enjoyable and comfortable.
South Florida Exploration
12 items
As new residents to South Florida, we are constantly seeking out the traditional and. On traditional finds in the area. Here are some areas we have explored.
Homeschool Essentials for Any Age
12 items
Our favorite must-haves for homeschoolers of any age, we use these for all of our kids.
Things to do in Belgium
13 items
If you're looking for family friendly ideas for your trip to Belgium, this is the to-do list for you!
Must haves for kid travel
15 items
End the madness, grab these must haves for traveling with kids.