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Beautiful flowers 🌸

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It might feel like winter will never end, but I’m planning my summer flower beds and dreaming of warm days!
Peony Roots - Scarlet Heaven
Dahlia Bulbs - Antique Blush Mix
Sarah Myers profile picture
I love these as a dramatic cut flower!
Gladiolus Flower Bulbs - Smokey
Dahlia Bulbs (Dinnerplate) - Emory Paul
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I have a love hate relationship with peonies - love the blooms, hate when they stop!
Peony Roots - Pastel Mix
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Does every flower gardener dream of dahilas??
Dahlia Bulbs (Dinnerplate) - Labyrinth
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These ones are so fun too!
Black Eyed Susan Seeds - Cherokee Sunset
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Another late bloomer I really love
Black Eyed Susan Seeds (Dwarf) - Rustic Mix
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These zinnias are so pretty!
Zinnia Seeds - Queeny Lime Red
Zinnia Seeds - Cactus Snowman
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I always love finding native plants for my flower beds and this one is easy to find
Purple Coneflower Seeds (Echinacea)
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This is a fun one that keeps blooming if you deadhead often
Lance-Leaf Coreopsis Seeds - Sunburst
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These would be gorgeous in a pollinator patch!
Midwest Wildflower Seed Mix
Gayfeather / Blazing Star Seeds
Blanket Flower Seeds - Sundance
Sarah Myers profile picture
Easy to grow and fun for kids!
French Marigold Seeds - Panther
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I love cool grasses in landscaping and this one’s just amazing!
Grass Seeds - Pampas Plume White
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A early bloomer!
Blue Sage Seeds
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I love iris - they smell amazing!
Wild Blue Iris Seeds
Zinnia Seeds - Mazurkia
Zinnia Seeds - Zowie Yellow Flame
Sarah Myers profile picture
Pretty and smells amazing!
Bee Balm Seeds - Wild Bergamot
Yarrow Roots - Fanal
Echinacea Roots - Sunseekers Mineola
Sarah Myers profile picture
Grew basil for the first time last year and loved it - especially on a BLT sandwich
Basil Seeds - Sweet Basil (common)