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Let's have a summer brunch!

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Summer brunches are the best! Come as you are or make it a fancy affair! Great food and great company. You can stay inside or enjoy the warm summer air while you make memories!

Table necessities

Make the place where everyone sits and enjoys each other perfect! This is where you want to make a statement!
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Go simple,colorful, or elegant. Either way show your style!
Summer Tablecloth
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Make sure you pick the right size for your menu! Brunch Plates
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You can go colorful or fancy! The choices are endless!!!!
Summer Cutlery Set
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Patterns, colors, linen, paper, the choices are endless!
Summer Party Napkins
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You can do plastic or glass! Keep in mind the drinks you have planned and whether you will be outside or inside.
Brunch Tumbler
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Set your table off with a beautiful fresh flower centerpiece!
Wholesale Summer Flowers Bouquets & Arrangements

Let's talk food!

There are so many menu choices! Here are a few must haves at every brunch.
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These are perfect because they are so versatile. Spinach, tomatoes, whatever you have in the fridge will work.
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You can never go wrong with a good quiche.
Perfect Quiche Recipe (Any Flavor!)
Rene Huggins profile picture
Plain, with fruit or even with chicken waffles are a great choice.
Belgian waffle
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Fresh fruit is always a winner!
Fresh Fruit Delivery Online
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Ohhh how we all love a good breakfast casserole!
Easy Make-Ahead Breakfast Casserole
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For those who love a sweet treat
Shop Cinnamon Rolls Online
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Donuts are a must have!
Assorted Donuts

Serving trays

Well now we need something pretty to put that food on!
Rene Huggins profile picture
We have to have something pretty to put that delicious food on!
Brunch Serving Dishes
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Just for the fruit!
Fruit Plate Serving Tray Breakfast Tray

Now we drink!

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Mimosas are a crowd favorite!
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Ohhhh we all want sangria!!!
Easy Traditional Red Sangria | Minimalist Baker Recipes
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Some people just want some cold milk!
Milk in Dairy & Eggs(1000+)
Rene Huggins profile picture
Orange juice is a must!
Orange Juice in Juices(309)
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You need fresh berries for the finishing touch on your sangria!
Fresh Fruit Delivery Online
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Well you have to have coffee! Don't forget the creamer!
Coffee - Koffee Kult

Decorating for a final touch

Signs, balloons, whatever your style this is where you shine!
Rene Huggins profile picture
Mimosa bar signs, personalized plate markers, use your imagination!
Brunch Signs
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Go crazy and make it your style!
Brunch Decorations