Fall brings with it some fun and exciting activities to do! Let's explore some!
Those little ones will be either home from school or just inside a lot. Here are some coloring pages to keep them busy. Frame your favorites and hang them up!
Fall | Free Coloring Pages | crayola.com
Make raking fun!! Give the littles their own rake then let them dive into their pile! Mom and dad can join in too
Kids Rake
Yes! Pick some fresh apples and make all things apple! Great outdoor fun turns into yummy recipes!
Apple Bushel Baskets - Walmart
Give that door a fresh fall flair with some beautiful fall decorations! Your guests will love it!
Fall Door Decorations
Get your yard fall ready too! Fall plants add such a variety of beautiful colors to your yard!
Fall Plant and Flower Ideas - The Home Depot
Fall festivals are a lot of fun. Rides, apple bobbing, fresh baked goods and hay rides! What a great time!
Top Fall Events to Attend in Savannah
Football! Some people’s favorite fall thing to do is watch a game! So why not throw a party while you watch!
Epic Football Themed Party - Melissa Roberts Interiors
I think building a pumpkin and hay display in your yard is adorable. Just stack them on some hay and it's adorable. You can even add a scarecrow!
Fresh Grown Large Pumpkins (Up to 19 lbs) - Each - Kroger
Hay for your pumpkin display. It will be so cute all fall!
Wheat Straw 80 sq. ft. (at 3-in to 4-in depth) - Mulch - Lowe's
And here's the scarecrow for your pumpkin display! Cute and the kids will love helping out!
Garden Scarecrows
Host a bonfire! Have lots of laughs and maybe even roast some marshmallows
Fire Pits - The Home Depot
Visiting a corn maze would be amazing! Find different ones in your area and visit as many as you can in one day.
TOP 10 BEST Corn Maze in Savannah, GA - Updated 2024 - Yelp
Get together a family game of football outside. It seems like outdoor activities are slowly becoming extinct
Amazon.com: Footballs - Sports & Outdoors
Plan a family day outside! Games will keep everyone busy and making memories
Fall Games Outdoor
Have a picnic outside in the crisp fall air! Play games, take a walk. Making memories is what it's all about
Fall Picnic
Host a bonfire! Have great friends, great drinks, some snacks and enjoy!
Fire Pits - The Home Depot
Let's have a oyster roast!!!! It's so exciting to me when it's oyster roasting season! And best of all you can shuck the left overs and make oyster stew!
Oyster Steamers For Cooking
And yes please to a good ole low country boil! Fall brings so many wonderful things to do!