These are all of my most favorite kitchen gadgets! They make life easier and my kitchen more enjoyable!
This is one that I love to use. You can do all sorts of things with it. It comes with several different blades.
Rotary Cheese Grater for Kitchen
Oh how I love this! Not only a blender but a food processor and a smoothie maker! Worth every penny!
Ninja BL770 Mega Kitchen System, 1500W
Make bread, cakes, cupcakes and enjoy it with this magnificent kitchen tool!
Stand Mixers - KitchenAid
They pay for themselves quick! Stop buying ice and have it on hand at home
Amazon Best Sellers: Best Ice Makers
Put water in her let her get steaming mad and loosen all the yuck. Just wipe the microwave out
Angry Mama Microwave Oven Steamer
Want iced coffee, like, now? Chill drinks instantly with this frozen container. Just add hot coffee, swirl and icy cold coffee comes out.
Maximatic: HyperChillers
Complete with five blades and a safety cover, this handy scissors will help you prep everything from basil leaves to chives quickly.
Jenaluca 5-Blade Herb Scissors with Cover
This wireless meat thermometer tracks the internal temp of food as well as the air temp so you know how hot your oven or grill is. It connects to an app and even guesstimates how much cooking time is left. It stands out as one of our top-tested grill...
MEATER® | Official US Store | Wireless Smart Meat Thermometer ...
Remove stuck-on food and batter from the loops, cutting cleanup time and waste. The plastic piece catches drips before they hit the counter and detaches to scrape inside the bowl, too.
Whisk Wiper | Whisking Made Easy | Oddly Satisfying
Shredding that chicken made easy
Chicken Shredder Machine, Shredding Tool
Uncrustables barely stand a chance. Use these cutters to cut your PB&J into fun shapes that are sealed around the edges and don't have a crust.
Sandwich Cutter and Sealer for Kids Lunch
Rice lovers best friend!!!!!!
Rice Cookers - Zojirushi Online Store
Make delicious meals in half the time! Love mine!
Shop Instant Pot & Instant Appliances | Official Website
Strain your pasta with ease using this gadget that clips on to the side of your pot, eliminating the need for bulky bowl strainers that never fit into the sink or your cabinet properly.
Gizmo Snap N Strain Pot & Pasta Strainer
It's happened to all of us. We try to cut the kernels off the cob and they end up rolling off our cutting board all over the counter. A week later, we find little pieces of corn hiding behind our coffee makers. Don't be that guy.
Cob Corn Stripper - Chef'n
Cook your bacon, more evenly without having to turn it
Bacon Maker
Keep those spills and splatters contained while you're cooking