I have always been a tummy ache, sensitive to everything girl so I feel as though I have some good ideas of what helps. Also dealt with chronic nausea after my pregnancy so whatever the reason, I’ve got the nausea fix 🙌🏼
Acid reflux
These are things that help with general nausea!
I swear these crackers have been a necessity in my household from a very young age. Nibble on some of these while drinking ice cold water!
Premium Plus Salted Tops Crackers, 450 g
I have always found that cold helps my nausea SO MUCH. Have an ice pack on hand to hold onto your head or chest, but also use ice cubes to chew on! It helped me a lot during my pregnancy.
Rapid Relief Reusable Hot & Cold Gel Pack
Honestly do not think I’d be alive without these. I also get vestibular migraines that manifest as dizziness and causes nausea, so I need these OFTEN and they aren’t drowsy!
GRAVOL™ Ginger Tablets
I love my ginger gravol, but these help me in the most dire of dire nausea. It helps that it knocks you out, and you can catch some sleep when you have the flu or just generally feel sick.
Fast, Effective Nausea Relief I GRAVOL™
Acid reflux
Do you ever sleep on your back? Must be nice. I use these products and sleep upright in order to survive
I used to be on Tums but these one are SO much more effective and start working instantly
Gaviscon Tablets - Heartburn & Acid Reflux Relief
I’ve only recently discovered these thanks to tiktok, and I was able to eat some trigger foods!
Maximum Strength PEPCID AC® Tablets with Famotidine
Literally can’t digest a thing
This one can help with all sections, but I mainly pull it out when I’m feeling the indigestion. It does help the nausea that comes from all the other issues too!
Liquid Medicine for Fast Relief from Stomach Troubles - Pepto-Bismol