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My favorite books

Closed Book emoji 43 items
I am an avid reader.  I read for fun and for knowledge.  You never know when you might run across something that is helpful in your life for the time you are in your life!

Work and Finance

I love reading and finding gems I can use to better myself and my business!

Holly Williams profile picture
This was one of the most mind changing books I've ever read about money
Rich Dad Poor Dad: Money Lessons for Kids
Holly Williams profile picture
One of the best books I've read on time management
Eat That Frog!: Stop Procrastinating
Retire Inspired: A Financial Number Guide
Holly Williams profile picture
Dave Ramsey's financial plan helped us pay for all the medical bills after cancer
The Total Money Makeover


Books that have been encouraging

Holly Williams profile picture
This is one of the most incredible books I've read about resilience
Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds
Holly Williams profile picture
John Maxwell is a VERY encouraging writer.  I haven't read a bad book yet!
John C. Maxwell
Holly Williams profile picture
This book is so uplifting and has a lot of thought provoking writings
Adventures for Your Soul: 21 Transformative Ways
Holly Williams profile picture
101 Essays that Change the Way You Think was the first book I read.  Every book so far has been an incredible way to look at life.
Brianna Wiest - Shop Catalog
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This book talks about easy ways to change bad habits in to good.
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
Holly Williams profile picture
When you've been through a lifechanging medical event -
Your Second Life Begins When You Realize
Holly Williams profile picture
I read this book right after going through breast cancer treatment.  It helped open my eyes to how to live a better life
Present Over Perfect: A Simpler Life

Christian Living

~Learning how to live a better life~

Holly Williams profile picture
I have never read a bad book by Joyce Meyer.  I Dare You is probably one of my favorites!
Joyce Meyer
Holly Williams profile picture
I have read a ton of Lisa's books.  I love all of them!
Lysa TerKeurst
Holly Williams profile picture
David Jeremiah has SO many books.  He is an incredible writer!  I have done a ton of his Bible Studies and what I love is that He stays on track with the Bible so that you are actually learning.
Books - Store -


Don't we all need a little help sometimes?!

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Every couple should watch this movie and do the dares in the book.  You will see an improvement in your marriage!
Holly Williams profile picture
This book is applicable to all relationships in life
Discover Your Love Language® - The 5 Love Languages®
Holly Williams profile picture
Nothing bad to say about this book!
Loving Him Well: Advice for Influencing Husband
Holly Williams profile picture
This book puts things in such a great perspective for both men and women
Relationship Goals: Win at Dating & Marriage
Holly Williams profile picture
Levi and Jenny nail things right on the head with this devotional book
The Marriage Devotional: 52 Days to Strengthen
Sacred Marriage: God's Design for Marriage


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This one is a MUST for someone trying to heal their body!
Fiber Fueled: Plant-Based Gut Health Program
Holly Williams profile picture
I love the way this book breaks down how glucose works in the body and affects everything.  Thought provoking!
Glucose Revolution: Balance Your Blood Sugar
The Paleo Answer: 7 Days to Feel Great
Holly Williams profile picture
Very good book about how gluten affects the body
Wheat Belly: Lose Wheat, Lose Weight
Clean Eats
Eat to Beat Disease: Heal Your Body


Six Ways to Keep the 'Good' in Your Boy
Raising Boys With ADHD: Parenting Secrets
Intentional Parenting: Autopilot Is for Planes
The Passionate Mom: Dare to Parent Today
Raising Wise Children: Story of Wisdom
Raising Girls by Trevathan & Goff
From Defiance to Cooperation: Solutions for Kids
Devotionals For Moms
The Defiant Child: Guide to ODD
Preparing for Adolescence: A Survival Guide
Hopeful Parenting: Encouragement for Kids
Doing Life with Your Adult Children

Random Favorites

Books I've loved over time

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There are no books Nicholas Sparks that I don't like!!
Nicholas Sparks
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A really good read about resilience
Wild: From Lost to Found on the PCT
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Just a really good read
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Girl, Stop Apologizing: Embrace Yourself
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The book description says it all
Sacred Rest: Renew Energy & Restore Sanity