Handy, good-to-know things when you're moving the kiddos into the dorm.
Yes, twin xl bedding 🛏️ is really a thing and it matters matters and no, nothing else will fit in the dorms! But you don't need to get them through campus shopping🛒.
Twin XL Dorm Bedding
Hot chocolate, tea, instant oatmeal, 🍜noodle cups, and I know you don't want to hear it but ☕️ instant coffee too! Better than the microwave for a quick cozy snack 🫖
Hamilton Beach Electric Kettles in ... - Walmart
The D in Dell 🐄is for durable! Your college kiddo needs the 17" (we tried the 13 - waaay to small for big dreams) 💻. Don't go with a refurb if you can avoid it, our🧫👨🔬 Bio major kiddo didn't last 2 semesters with his refurb.
17 inch Laptop Computers & 2-in-1 PCs
And our other kiddo got her RN BSN 💉👩🏻🎓on a 🍏Mac - 2 different universities, 2 states, 4 apartments & a river house later the Mac is still going strong!💻
apple macbook pro 17-inch laptop
This one is for you Mom & Dad...the Fetch app 🐕Scan ALL of your receipts & get rewards 💳. We cash ours for Amazon gift cards for the kids to use on their textbooks 📚
Fetch: Have Fun, Save Money - Apps on Google Play
Keep them hydrated! Ozark is the BEST for keeping the temperature 🥤hot or cold. I've carried mine for 7 years!