Nutrition basics for our puppers. The Pride offers a formula for every breed and lifestyle. Our giant puppers sometimes need a little extra for fast growing joints - glucosamine and chondroitin helps the growing pains. Not just for the Granddams &...
Whether you have a Giant Breed Puppy growing up fast or a Senior doggy moving slower, NuVet supplement soothes growing joints as well as worn ones too.
Glucosamine DS™ Tabs for Dogs and Cats
Puppers old and young love their NuVet treats. A favorite with breeders, and groomers love them too because they give them a beautiful, healthy coat!
NuVet Labs - NuVet Plus, NuJoint DS Pet Vitamin Supplements
We feed and recommend THE PRIDE dog food blends. It is available at our local feed store (supporting our neighbor's small business), our dogs have NEVER looked better on any other dog food, it is affordable AND they offer a formula for all your best ...
The Pride Dog Food: Home Page
We like external flea and tick protection for our puppers. PetArmor has the same active ingredient as the high-end brands and works every season for us.
PetArmor | At Home Pet Care Products | PetArmor®
Safety First! Kong stands the test of Giant breed Jaws and Puppy chewing! Safe crate toy too!
KONG Catalogue
When it's time for the monthly meds we like Pill Pockets but there is a secret to these. Pssst: wash your hands first, take a Pill Pocket out with one hand and the pill out with the other. Carefully place the pill in the pocket without touching the p...
Pill Pockets for Dogs
Keep these in the crisper for the puppers - great for keeping their teeth clean. Boil them just until slightly tender for the elders.
Can Dogs Eat Carrots? | Purina US
Add bone broth to kibble in the winter to warm up your pup. Great for spay/neuter or whelping recovery❤️🩹
Bone Broth - Walmart
Been on a long hunt or hike? Puppies in the way? When your Pupper has puppies, dog labor really pulls calcium from the bones with all the muscle work. Plain vanilla ice cream throughout keeps calcium levels up and coolls Momma down. Extra energy does...
Vanilla Ice Cream - Walmart
Safe. Reliable.
Panacur Pet Supplies –
Yes, Cheerios for your dog. Great training treats that won't spoil their appetite! Grab a handful when you go out for potty 🐾🐾
Cheerios - Walmart
Treat your dog to some yogurt - freeze it in ice cube trays and pop one out for a special good pupper treat.