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Best Cozy Genre Games
12 items
Shayla Hamm
This list of cozy games I have played or desire to play soon. I play these on twitch and youtube @hungwanamermaid on both platforms
Must Try Cozy Games
Best Played Cozy Games
Must Try Cozy Games
Im excited to try these when I get my pc
I am so excited to play this game it has so many curious fun things to do
Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator - Launch Trailer
I am so looking forward to playing the most raved about game on switch
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Official Island Trailer
The most cute new game
Tales of the Shire: A The Lord of the Rings Game - Official Announcement Trailer
My ultimate most anticipated game I cant wait to play
Palia - Official Announcement Trailer
The cutest adventure game
Tchia - Official Gameplay Overview Trailer
The cutest switch game for exploration
Fae Farm - Announcement Trailer
The cutest animations and storylines
Cozy Caravan Announcement Trailer
Best Played Cozy Games
I adore these games they make life so much more peaceful
This cozy game never ends its also so exciting to meet all the disney characters from childhood
Disney Dreamlight Valley - Official Reveal Trailer
Its a very pretty and stellar game
Coral Island - 1.0 Launch Trailer | PS5 Games
I honestly love this game so much and all the expansions make it even better
The Sims 4 - Official Free Base Game Launch Trailer
You get the cutest companions
Kena: Bridge of Spirits - Official Cinematic Trailer (4K) | State of Play
The coolest reality simulation game
Lake - Official Launch Trailer