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Party Favors
15 items
It's fun to make party favor bags for your guests. You can put together items that go with your theme.
Party favors for your guest bags, Ages 3 to 8. I'm buying these for my daycare kids to do during table activities.
Skillmatics Party Favors - Magical Scratch Art
Great party favors for your Barbie Party guests.
Barbie Party Supplies
It's fun to put together party favor bags for your guests.
Party Favors
Summer Themed Birthday Party Favors.
Party Glasses
Great option to add to your party favor bags.
I put these with my daycare kids birthday gifts and holiday gift bags.
Slap Bands
Your party will be a hit with these unicorn headbands. Your theme will be complete.
Unicorn Headband
Paw Patrol for the Win! Check out the party favor ideas.
Paw Patrol Party Favors in Paw Patrol Party Supplies(53)
The birthday girl will make everyone feel like a princess with these party favors.
Disney Princess / Kids' Party Favor Sets ...
Everything you need to fill your party favor bags.
Super Mario Party Favors
I gave these for a gift and my dino lover was so excited, they would be great in a favor bag for your guests.
6ct Fossil Friends Dinosaur Puzzle Party Favors - Spritz
Check out these fun party favors, for your Lego Themed Party. Your guest will love them in the favor bag.
Lego Party Favors
Farm Party favor bags that will be a hit with your guests.
Farm Party Favors
The party will be complete with these unicorn party favors.
Unicorn Party Favors
I like adding these to party gift bags.
Punch Balloons