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Best selling novels

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the best-selling novel of all time most liked by readers
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
This most iconic fantasy novel series tells the adventures of a young wizard at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Harry Potter Books - AliExpress
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
A classic work of English literature that tells of love, prejudice and high society life in the 19th century.
Pride and Prejudice - Etsy
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
A mystery novel that combines history, religion, and conspiracy, making it one of the best-selling books of all time
Da Vinci Code Book - Etsy
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
An epic trilogy that takes readers to the world of Middle-earth, a place filled with magical creatures and great battles.
Lord Of The Rings Lotr - AliExpress
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
A novel that raises the issue of racism in the United States, with the main character being a lawyer who defends a black man accused of a crime.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee The Original English Novel ...
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
The erotic novel that sparked controversy and became a pop culture phenomenon
Fifty One Shades Of Grey - AliExpress
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
A dystopian trilogy that tells the story of a world where children are forced to fight to the death in a televised event.
Hunger Games Set - AliExpress
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
An inspiring novel that tells the story of a young shepherd who goes on a journey to find treasure and his purpose in life.
The Alchemist Paulo Coelho - Etsy
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
A series of historical fiction novels that tells the story of a World War II nurse who is mysteriously transported to 18th century Scotland.
Outlander Diana Gabaldon - Etsy
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
A Swedish mystery novel about a genius hacker and a journalist who solve a serial murder case.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Etsy
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
A Latin American literary work that tells the history of a family over six generations.
One Hundred Years of Solitude. Love in the Time of Cholera ...
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
The epic fantasy series that inspired the television series Game of Thrones.
Song of Ice and Fire - Etsy
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
A classic novel about a rebellious teenager searching for the meaning of life.
The Catcher in the Rye, Bestselling books in English, Classics ...
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
A science fiction comedy novel that tells the story of the adventures of a human stranded in outer space.
Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy - Etsy
Fatimah Az-Zahra profile picture
A dark romanticism that tells a story of love, hatred and revenge in the English countryside.
Buy wuthering heights with free shipping on AliExpress