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Hi! My name is Amy and I am a mom with toddlers!
Amy's Lists
Gift Recommendations that a 1 Year Old Toddler will Love!
32 items
I have put together a list of my toddlers favorite toys when they were a year old!
The Best Encanto Gifts for Toddlers
15 items
After Frozen, my toddlers second favorite movie is Encanto so I have included some of their favorite Encanto toys!
The Best Frozen Gifts for Toddlers
18 items
My toddlers are obsessed with Frozen and here are some of their favorites!
Toddler Friendly Zoos and Aquariums in the NJ/NY Area
14 items
Looking for toddler friendly animal activities? Here are some reccomendations in the NJ/NY area!
Toddler Essentials- Bottles, Silverware, and Dinnerware
15 items
This list includes all of the feeding and drinking essentials in raising two toddlers!
Baby Esssentials that you ACTUALLY Need!
44 items
After three babies, I have compiled a list of baby essentials that I have actually used for all three!
Canva Tips & Tricks
6 items
Here are some video tutorials on tips and tricks that I learned while using Canva to make printables!