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Botanical Gardens and U-Pick Flower Farms in the Treasure Valley Idaho

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I have really enjoyed getting to experience the different botanical gardens and U-Pick Flower Farms in our valley the last two years! At the U-Pick farms, you pay for a pitcher or a jar and then clip to your heart's content to fill them and make your...

U-Pick Flower Farms

What a great idea to grow flowers and allow others to come and pick them and make their own boquets. Such a peaceful and memorable activity that can be done alone or with your friends and family!

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This is my favorite U-pick flower farm in the area! Don't miss out on their Lavender Festival and summer flower festival!
WM Knight Lavender, Flowers & Herbs
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I love the different varieties at each flower farm!
Lovely Hollow Farm
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A beautiful place to enjoy!
Mason Creek Farms
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A beautiful place to just be!
Sunnyfield Flower Farm
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Don't miss this seasonal U-pick flower farm!
Cherry Hill Farms Idaho
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Not only can you enjoy the flowers but you can have fun in the mini-maze as well!
Flaming Acres Farm
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A beautiful place to pick flowers, shop, and take pictures!
The Potted Porch
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This is not only a great place for flowers but for events as well and there is an Airbnb.
Hidden Hollow Farms
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Each city in the Treasure Valley offers a beautiful selection of flowers!
McCallister Gardens
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There are over 350 varieties to choose from here!
JoAnn's Iris Garden

Botanical Gardens

Beautiful gardens to walk through and enjoy in the Treasure Valley of Idaho.

JoEllen Claypool profile picture
This amazing site will tickle your senses with the flowers and scenery!
Idaho Botanical Garden | Visit | 2355 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise ...
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This delightful garden has beautiful statues scattered throughout the flowers. It is right next to Zoo Boise and museums!
Julia Davis Park

Flower and Gardening Products

Tools and items that have made my gardening experience even more delightful!

JoEllen Claypool profile picture
These flower clippers are nice to take on your U-pick outings.
Floral Clippers
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These scissors are easy to use in the garden and for trimming smaller plants.
Florist Scissors
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I have loved wearing these durable gloves while gardening!
Pioneer Woman Garden
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I was so excited to discover sloggers! They keep my feet nice and dry when the grass or ground is wet.