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Candy Free Easter Basket Fillers

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I've never been a fan of junk food filled basket each year for Easter. Despite our food intolerances, it's just so much sugar! If you're looking for some alternatives, you've come to the right place.


This list is aimed at kiddos 0-2

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This is a fun and friendly basket that's large enough to hold bigger items that are better for babies like toys and books.
Circular Rope Decorative Easter Basket White Bunny - Spritz™
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I'll forever add books to my kiddo's basket!
Bluey: Hooray, It's Easter! - by Penguin Young Readers Licenses (Board Book)
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Little Blue Truck is our FAVORITE series! This one doesn't disappoint.
Little Blue Truck's Springtime (Board Book) (Jill McElmurry)
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A classic that is very spring appropriate.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar - by Eric Carle (Board Book)
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We love the “How to Catch the…” Books and have been collecting them for every holiday!
My First How to Catch the Easter Bunny - by Alice Walstead (Board Book)
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These crayons are great for little hands to grasp, but the egg shape makes them extra fun for Easter!
Crayola 3ct Washable Palm Grasp Crayons Stage 1
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Another great art item for little hands. Young kiddos love to hold these in a fist and just stamp the paper.
6ct Washable Rainbow Dot Markers - Do-A-Dot Art
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These non toxic paints are great for finger painting and wash off skin and clothes very, very easily.
Crayola 10ct 2oz Washable Kids Paint Classic Colors: Non-Toxic Water-Based Tempera for Toddlers & Finger Painting
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This would be a fun art project and keepsake craft! Paint the egg white and let it dry. Then, do a hand or footprint of your little one and the date.
Easter Craft Egg Wood Base- Mondo Llama™
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Chalk is a fun outdoor activity for little ones and these are big enough to not be a choking hazard.
50ct Rainbow Sidewalk Chalk- Mondo Llama™
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I mean, these are purely for the cute factor.
Girls' Easter Peeps Headband
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Get them a cuddly toy they will love for years to come.
13" Pink Bunny Stuffed Animal - Gigglescape™
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These tunnels are a blast for those learning to crawl!
Play Tunnel - Gigglescape™: Kids Tent, Toddler Tunnel, Fiberglass Frame, Ages 3+
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Every kid loves bubbles! This machine makes millions. Bonus - parents won't get dizzy from blowing them!
Link Ready. Set. Play! Bubble Machine Giant Bazooka Toy 69 Holes Automatic For Kids & Adults of All Ages Great For Indoor & Outdoors - Blue

Toddlers/young kids

This list is aimed at toddlers and kids ages 2-8

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Squishmallows are all the rage these days.
Squishmallows Babette Tie Dye Easter Basket
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Llama Llama books have always been on our favorites list. I love the real situations they get into and the calm way of dealing with them!
Llama Llama Easter Egg - By Anna Dewdney ( Board Book )
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We own every single Mouse (and friends!) book and they will be going in a keepsake box for sure!
Happy Easter, Mouse! (If You Give?) by Laura Joffe Numeroff (Board Book)
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Pete the cat is always hilarious!
Big Easter Adventure (Pete the Cat Series) (Mixed Media Product) (Hardcover) by James Dean and Kimberly Dean
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These liquid chalk rollers are great for kids who feel they are getting a little too old for traditional sidewalk chalk. It adds a new, fun element to a classic activity.
Sidewalk Chalk Paint Rollers 3 ct - Sun Squad™
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We don't eat eggs so we do craft eggs each year. It's actually really fun to decorate them because our pile grows for the easter bunny to hide and we can look back on the past creations.
Easter Craft 12pk Egg Painting Kit- Mondo Llama™
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This dress is so fun for spring!
Girls' Sleeveless Woven Floral Dress - Cat & Jack™ Cream XL Plus
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Ok, but how cute is this peeps shirt?
Boys' Easter Peeps T-Shirt - Sky Blue S
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New jammies are always on the list!
Carter's Just One You® Toddler 2pc Easter Snug Fit Pajama Set - White 12M
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This dress is perfect for the toddler in your life.
Toddler Girls' Smocked Gauze Dress - Cat & Jack™ Cream 3T
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This might be the cutest bunny I've ever seen.
Toddler Boys' Bunny Sweater - Cat & Jack™ Oatmeal 3T
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My daughter has always loved purses. Getting something like this in her basket when she was younger was a huge highlight!
Bunny Easter Crossbody Bag White - Spritz™
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These earrings are perfect for spring!
Girls' 9pk Easter Earring Set - Cat & Jack™️
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This is a great toddler activity to get kids outside!
Mini Golf Set - Gigglescape™: Outdoor Toy Sports, Kids Golf, Plastic, Ages 3+, 14 Pieces
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Spring weather can be touch and go here in Minnesota. I always make sure to include some indoor activities as well.
Play-Doh Care 'N Carry Vet
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These bubble wands are great for toddlers and older kids!
Neliblu Bubble Wand Set of Assorted Shapes and Colors - 11 pieces


This list is aimed at kids 8-12

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As my daughter has gotten older, she's appreciated a simpler basket. Bonus, it can be used for other things throughout the year instead of just collecting dust in a closet.
12" Willow Plastic Wicker Easter Basket Natural - Spritz™
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These sticker books are a huge hit!
Paint By Sticker Zoo Animals - Workman: Kids Craft Activity Kit with Stickers & Activity Book, Animal Theme
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We get these for all our road trips and my daughter will do them for hours.
Paint By Sticker Unicorns & Magic - Workman
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This is a really fun indoor activity. The sand reminds me of the beach and that warm weather is right around the corner!
Create-Your-Own Sand Art Kit - Mondo Llama™: DIY Sand Designs & Decoration in Jars, 13 Pieces, Ages 6+
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My daughter loves decorating with stickers so this festive Easter pack is perfect!
Carlton Cards 148ct Easter Stickers, Bunnies, Chicks, Eggs, and Carrots
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A lovely project for the cooler spring days.
3ct Wood Flowers Painting Craft Kit- Mondo Llama™
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Accessories are everything to my preteen and these hit the mark!
Girls' 20pk Earring Set - Cat & Jack™
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A lovely addition for preteens who like a to pamper themselves.
Dabble & Dollop Mini Bath Bombs - Soothing - 12ct/0.8oz
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These clips SCREAM spring and fancy.
Girls' 3pk Pearl Claw Clip Set - art class™ Blue
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I like to add some every day favorites like this e.l.f. lip balm. I always know it will be a hit!
e.l.f. Squeeze Me Lip Balm - 0.21oz
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My daughter is currently obsessed with sweaters and cardigans.
Girls' Open Knit Flyaway Cardigan - art class™ Ivory L
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This dress is perfect for those inbetween the little girl and teenage stages.
Girls' Sweater Dress - art class™ Ivory M