I'm a California resident who lives in Los Angeles, not far from where three major wildfires recently destroyed thousands of acres, homes, and personal property, not to mention snuffed out several lives. This was AFTER I had already written 2 Medium ...
If you took a moment to read my Medium story mentioned above, you'll know that you can purchase the pink “Survival" bag you see in the photo on Amazon, just like I did. In fact, there are lots of other useful items you can purchase there, to help make sure your emergency Go bag is really ready to go.
Make sure your house or apartment is safety equipped with effective fire alarms or systems, and at least one reliable fire extinguisher for emergency use.
These fire ladders help provide an extra added sense of security, for those families who have homes with two or more stories, or tenants like me, who reside in multilevel buildings.
Whether you go in for a high powered generator, or some other backup battery source, the following items will make sure you can keep an uninterrupted power supply in the event of an emergency.
Besides an adequate power source, you'll need something convenient and reliable to power up. Here are multiple options for illumination during an emergency situation.