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Being Black in YOUR America

Purple Star emoji 21 items
The reason I labeled the title of this list the way I did, is because while I'm glad to be an American citizen, living in the land of the so called “free”, I'm way too old to believe the misconception that this is truly MY America. In fact, many peop... interesting products, items, and related events I offer as recommendations this Black History Month.

Black Like Me Stories on the Medium Website

Celebrate Black History Month with me, by enjoying some of the previously published stories I've written and shared recently, and also in past years. You'll find them published in my "Black Like Me" Medium publication.

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This story that I shared on Medium, helps to set the tone of this entire Collection of lists, where I share facts and make recommendations related to the theme of Black History Month.
Why I Forget to Remember that I’m Black in America
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Being black and beautiful is the topic I discuss in this Medium story, that brings attention to the inner beauty and strength that truly shows what a Black woman is made of.
How Do You Know for Sure if You’re a Beautiful Person or Not?
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I previously shared a Medium story about the Sickle Cell disease that adversely affects the Black community. If this isn't a topic worth discussing during Black History Month, I don't know what is.
What Could New Sickle Cell Drug Treatment Mean for African Americans?
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This Medium story I previously wrote some time ago, is on the subject of Reparations for Blacks in America; something that doesn't seem likely to ever happen, especially now with the current Administration.
Do You Believe this Country Will EVER Compensate Blacks?
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My “is it because we're black” radar went off when I wrote this related story on Medium one day, due to a situation I noticed. Black History Month is the perfect time to revisit this important conversation.
Is This Racist or Just a Smart Business Practice?
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Since Black History Month is a good time to reflect on things that relate to race, I dug up this story I shared on Medium, about a white panhandler who really upset my day as I was leaving the grocery store.
Why Do Perfectly Good White Men Come to the Hood and BEG!
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Here's one of my Medium stories about the way Black women have a tendency to be falsely labeled. This Black History Month, why not carve out a little time to give the topic some consideration?
This ANGRY Black Woman is Doing Just Fine!
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When Juneteenth was finally declared a legal holiday, I was overjoyed, and I marked the occasion by starting my own yearly tradition. Read the story I wrote about it on Medium, as you enjoy this year's Black History Month
Do You Remember How You Felt When Juneteenth was Finally Recognized?
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What better topic to discuss during the February Black History Month, than the subject of “hair” and how it's typically viewed in the black community. Enjoy my story on Medium.
BLACK Hairstyles: Wigs, Weaves, Waves and More!

Blacks Females I Admire

There are lots of interesting titles to be found in my Black Like Me publication, and also in other Medium publications that I submit to. Among them are the previously published stories I share below, revealing what I believe are some noteworthy Afri...

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Who else would I start this section about women who I admire off with, but Kamala Harris - a Black woman that nearly won the presidency? Take a moment and read my related Medium story.
What Kind of African American Woman Writer Would I Be if I Didn’t Share My Views on this?
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As far as I'm concerned, our former First Lady Michelle Obama is one of the most phenomenal Black women around. What better time to sing her praises, than during Black History Month?
Michelle Obama: A Phenomenal Black Woman Calling for Social Change
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It goes without saying, the fantastic, dearly loved Maya Angelou is the Black woman that the word “phenomenal” was invented for. Read about her in my related Medium story.
Maya Angelou: The Heart of a Phenomenal Black Woman
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This is a story I shared on Medium. It's about the wonderful individuals who step up and show support for the Black Girl Magic being created every single day, and not just during Black History Month.
Support Your Local Black Girl MAGIC!
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When this young lady did such an outstanding job in this Nationally held Spelling Bee, I felt pride in her, like she was my own child. In my book, she has already gone done in Black History.
African American Teen Wins the Scripps National Spelling Bee
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This young black female track star was viewed with very little respect by some people, following a negative event that was made public, but I applaud the way she handled herself. Read more and get my views in this Medium story.
Hats Off to Sha’ Carri Richardson for Putting Her Big Girl Panties On!

Non-Black Artists I Enjoy as a Non-conventional Black Woman

One of the things I love most in this world is music - ALL KINDS. Although as an old broad in my sixties, naturally I'm partial to “oldies but goodies”, especially in the R & B genre. But don't get it twisted. As a very non-conventional Black women, I've got some very interesting and very diverse tastes. Feel free to check out a few of these non-Black musical artists that I happy to love and enjoy listening to.

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I love this artist that I discovered many years ago, and in particular, his version of “Keep Smilin". I personally think he's an amazing musician, even though he's not a black artist or someone you'd think I enjoy.
Keep Smilin'
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What can I say about Michael Franks, except that he's awesome and I could listen to his voice and easy going style of music all day. “When Sly Calls” is one of my favorites by him.
When Sly Calls (Don't Touch That Phone)
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This outstanding female is an instrumental genius. I often go to sleep listening to the melodic sounds of several of her albums.
Flight Of The Angels - song and lyrics by Keiko Matsui - Spotify
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My girl Barbara is up there among some of my favorite female vocalist (of any color). I so admire all the hard work she put into the wonderful musical she starred in called Yentil. Besides playing two roles (one of them a man), she also wrote, produc...
The Way He Makes Me Feel
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Besides how much I love Gloria Estefan's music and her angelic voice, I also admire the resilience she showed during her recovery from a potentially life threatening event.
Coming Out Of The Dark
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The only thing I can say about my enjoyment of Ms. Dolly Parton, is: “I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll. But that doesn't mean you can revoke my ”black card" :-)
Dolly Parton - Jolene (Official Lyric Video)