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"Becoming Her: The Ultimate Reading List"

Purple Star emoji 18 items
"Books every woman should read in their career !!"
KANIKA profile picture
“I was told about this book by one of my university professors. I was asking him about management styles and how being new to the hospitality industry I was finding my way as a leader. My question to him was, what does it take to be a good leader? Hi...
The New One Minute Manager - Ken Blanchard - Barnes & Noble
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“Every woman should read what I refer to as the holy grail bible, “Women & Money” because as a driven career woman, it does not matter how tall you climb the ladder or how much money you make if you do not learn how to be responsible with money. ...
Women & Money (Revised and Updated) by Suze Orman, Hardcover
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“As a founder and leader, you will always be in positions where you have to negotiate – with vendors, teammates, leadership, investors, etc. Even on a personal note, you will have to negotiate with your partner or children. I loved reading this book ...
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
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“The way you think greatly impacts your business. Mindset is key to what you define as success. This book made me think about how to be innovative as a company with a core purpose to reframe the way people look at something as simple as a shampoo tha...
Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
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“When we are first making our way into the horizons of a new career, the information around us is often overwhelming, the energy of meeting new people jolting, and the goals we often set can be daunting. In order to remain happy and inspired while na...
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep ...
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“It describes the type of leadership that is necessary in order to achieve greatness. The key components of such greatness and why some companies make the leap from good to great is meticulously recounted in this book. This book helped me because it ...
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't
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“This book tells the story of Attila the Hun, best known as the ruler of the Huns and often a synonym for cruelty and barbarism. His talent was to take a group of very diverse people from all different walks of life and lead them to become the rulers...
Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun - Wess Roberts - Barnes & Noble
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“This book is a must-read for every woman entrepreneur. I feel that so often, we are our own worst critic when we should be our biggest cheerleader. Burton’s book has helped me cultivate my mindset such that I’m intentional about attaining success, h...
Successful Women Think Differently: 9 Habits to Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Resilient
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“This was the first book I read in my early 20’s as I started my career and it changed my life. This book changes your perception on the ways to see the world, the way we view ourselves and how we selectively choose certain paths in our lives to furt...
A Woman's Worth by Marianne Williamson, Paperback
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“Unfortunately, for many women — myself included — negotiating salary does not come naturally. Luckily, with research and practice, you can become a stronger and more confident negotiator in every aspect of your life. I really like Lee E. Miller and ...
Woman's Guide To Successful Negotiating - Barnes & Noble
KANIKA profile picture
“This book is a profile of women from all walks of life that share a commonality based on the strength and beauty of creativity. Each of the subjects are a muse in the development of business and ourselves as individuals. There are some books you rea...
In the Company of Women: Inspiration and Advice from over 100 Makers ...
KANIKA profile picture
“Every woman should read this book since women often struggle with earning their worth and asking for their value. This book gives great examples of women asking for money. The author is a coach and she uses her expertise to explain and encourage wom...
You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth
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“The lessons learned in this book can be applied to any type of business from small with only a few employees to large corporations. I learned ways to be proactive about working on some of the mistakes that I was making daily like ignoring office pol...
Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women ...
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“I listened to the rest of Sheryl Sandberg’s Ted Talk in the driveway of my house on NPR, it was one of those life-changing moments for me, it was worth listening to the end. I then discovered her book. She spoke directly to me, I was in my early 30s...
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg, Hardcover
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“Every woman should read this book because Elaine’s story is incredibly inspiring and also comforting. I actually gave this book to all of my girlfriends for Christmas this year! She chronicles her entire career journey with all of its ups and downs,...
More Than Enough: Claiming Space for Who You Are (No Matter What ...
KANIKA profile picture
“Every woman should read this book because it is a true story of grit and determination. Barbara details her business development journey in an honest and relatable way showcasing that a business degree isn’t necessary to be successful. She is a smar...
Shark Tales: How I Turned $1,000 Into a Billion Dollar Business
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“As a woman—especially a young professional woman—we are often told who to be, and how to act, and often let others decide our worth and our values. The constant need for perfection, fear of failure and the emotional toll of navigating a complex care...
The Happiness Trap (Second Edition): How to Stop Struggling ...
KANIKA profile picture
“This book is about having hard conversations, faster—which is critical for advancing your career–especially as a woman. The key premise is that our work, our relationships, and our lives succeed or fail one conversation at a time. It was key to acce...
Fierce Conversations (Revised and Updated): Achieving Success at ...