Benable — create shareable lists of things you recommend!
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Katy Laser
Silly little runs and other tid bits
Katy Laser's Lists
HOT DOG FIT - Austin Half Marathon Gear
12 items
Everything I wore for the Austin Half Marathon, hot dog costume included
Running Gear Worth Your Money
20 items
The stuff I use (almost) every single run. Arranged in categories that hopefully make sense.
Running Fits
24 items
Tried and true! To make this list, each product has to be one I use regularly and really love/believe in. It has to stand up to at least a 5 mile run to make the cut.
Running Gear
15 items
My favorite gear for all runs, big and small. Everything on this list I use and LOVE.
Running Injuries First Aid Kit
5 items
These are my go-to products to help me get over minor injuries! Recovering is not one size fits all and I am not a PT but this stuff has helped me lots.