Dyad caregiving (how it often happens within couples) or caregiving from only the immediate biological family often isn't good for anyone. And it assumes that we're divided into only caregivers and those who recieve care, when we all have something t...
This is the classic mainstream tome about organizing a group of caregivers (as opposed to just immediate family) so if you're unfamiliar with this strategy in general, it's a great place to start. Sometimes the solutions offered seem overly complicat...
Share the Care: How to Organize a Group to Care for Someone Who Is Seriously Ill (Rev & Updated)
The disability justice community has given the world so much (not to mention essentially saving the ACA from being gutted back in 2017) and this book is another great contribution to the conversation about care. It's great reading in addition to bein...
Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice a book by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
An important discussion with the author of Care Work.
If you love someone with a disability (and tbh if we live long enough all of us will be disabled in some way) this is an important read about the concept of fixing, what and who needs to be fixed and how technology can influence what decisions get ma...
Against Technoableism: Rethinking Who Needs Improvement a book by Ashley Shew
This is the more philosophical approach to group caregiving; where Share the Care (elsewhere on this list) has charts and lists, Caresharing is more about changing our thoughts and ideas about what caregiving is, and how to make group caregiving a na...
Caresharing: A Reciprocal Approach to Caregiving and Care by Marty Richards
Although my experience is that many churches are good at helping with caregiving (I mean communities of faith made up that whole bringing in a casserole business, right? ) this is an important piece of a conversation about including caregivers within...
What Caregivers Need the Church to Know
This isn't a link to the actual book (I'll include that elsewhere) but a DIY audiobook version of Dean Spade's classic-ish (published in 2020) on Mutual Aid. Some folks find it a tiny bit academic for their tastes, which is why I include the audio he...
Solidarity Not Charity: Mutual Aid for Mobilization and Survival Part 1/2 - Dean Spade
The process of organizing can’t be separated from the process!
Silvia Federici - ACT-UP, Healing, and Mutual Aid
Yeah the “well spouse” concept is outdated and kind of the opposite of group caregiving BUT caregivers need support and this is an all volunteer peer support group network-mostly IRL.
Support Groups
Although the Caregivers’ Alliance maintains a big focus on policy, they are often a great source for information and resources if you don’t know who else to ask. You can email or call; if you don’t get what you need with one, try the other!
Caregiver Action Network
If you have questions about caregiving that you'd like some peer support for, these are very active forums. (I'm recommending the forums specifically, some of the actual content is a little outdated)
Caregiver Forum and Support Group - AgingCare.com
There are more than a few group caregiving organizing apps, lotsahelpinghands is my favorite. Best feature is the ability to make concentric circles so not everyone has to have the same access.
Care Calendar Website | Lotsa Helping Hands
If you're only organizing meals for someone (as opposed to meals plus other caregiving activities) Mealtrain is the classic app. If you have extensive (and or long term) meal planning to do, a paid Mealtrain account might be worth it. Otherwise, Take...
MealTrain.com (official site) - Organize Meal Support in Minutes
If you're organizing meals and have relatively simple needs and low numbers of participants, this app will probably work best for you. The paid version of Meal Train might work better if you have more extensive needs.
Take Them A Meal | Easily Organize Meal Schedules for Friends
On the surface of this book, it's a memoir about a writer who is losing his sight. But it goes many layers deeper than that and also chronicles some interesting interactions with friends who have dealt with aging, disability and --I think most import...
The Beauty of Dusk: On Vision Lost and Found a book by Frank Bruni
How do we learn how to accept help? A little bit at a time
LPT Request: I want to learn how to accept help and ask for it
This is the full text of a great little book that examines the how mutual aid can build resiliency. It gets a tiny bit academic in places, but mostly it's super practical.