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Vegan/Cruelty Free & Eco-Friendly

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Vegan and cruelty free products that I use almost daily! Also many eco-friendly options!

Skin Care

These are the products I find work the best and make me the happiest! 

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This is the only moisturizer that has ever worked for my combination skin! It leaves my dry skin fully moisturized but does not make my skin feel like I have a mask on. If they ever discontinue this I don't know what I will do.
Jason Moisturizing Creme, Vitamin E 25000, Age ...
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Let's ditch the plastic bottles for amazing smelling bars! This is one product I continually buy.
Unicorn Bar Soap
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I got this bar from Whole Foods and I really kind of love it. I've said before I'm not married to products, so if I buy something again, I clearly like it a lot. I will definitely buy this bar again. Its not harsh, but it does have a little bit of ex...
The Seaweed Bath Co. Purifying Detox Facial Bar
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I've used Alaffia for my body, but I'm pretty sure my face bar is Alaffia as well, though the packaging is long gone so I'm not sure.
African Black Soap Bars - Alaffia
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My mother-in-law got me this bar from Whole Paycheck. It's not my favorite, but it does the job and is another eco-friendly option.
Good Soap Bar 3 Count
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I just bought this, and though it looks like something that might leave a residue on your face, it absolutely does not. I like it more than the face bar I was previously using.
HiBAR Plastic Free Skin Care | Soap Free Face Wash Bars

Hair Care

Let's stop harming the planet and other animals with our hair products!

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I never thought I'd be able to find good conditioner in bar form. I was wrong. This stuff is awesome!
HiBAR | Plastic Free Shampoo Hair & Skin Care
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My friend sent me this shampoo bar, and I kind of love it :)
Ethique Shampoo & Conditioner Bars
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I used this recently, and I liked it because it takes less time untangling my long hair than the bar. The HiBAR conditioner is probably more eco-friendly and more bang for your buck, but on days when I'm in a rush, I use this.
Purifying Conditioner for Flat, Oily hair
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Ok I just bought this yesterday from Whole Paycheck. Jury is still out. The conditioner bar did the job, but I thought it would smell more vanilla and I'm not sure its easier to use than the HiBar conditioner. But my hair feels soft so clearly it doe...
Brixy Hydrating Conditioner Bars

Household Products

These are products I actually use in my house!

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We live above a Foodtown in our new neighborhood, and this is the brand they carry. I have no complaints ha. As long as its eco-friendly, I feel like a lot of the laundry sheet detergents are similar. Also I'm allergic to scented detergent so the uns...
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Get rid of that plastic bottle and waste less liquid!
Automatic Dishwasher Tablets - If You Care
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Ok plastic bottle on this one, but we use the refills too ;)
Hand Care Products | Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day
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More bang for your buck to refill that pump bottle :D
Mrs. Meyer's Hand Soap Refill with Essential Oils
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Ditch the plastic bottle and waste less detergent!
Eco-Conscious Laundry Detergents Powered By Plants
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We use method in our apartment in NYC and our Airbnb house in Upstate New York.
French Lavender Spray Bottle - All-purpose Cleaners
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It says “Limited Edition Scent” so I would run out and get this scent for your house before its gone! My husband is not a fan, but what does he know ;)
Acorn Spice Products | Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day
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Because I'm not married/loyal to laundry detergent, here's another Eco-friendly option I used once.
Tru Earth Laundry Strips - Eco-friendly Laundry Detergent ...
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While I recommend using reusable towels whenever possible, these are a more eco-friendly paper towel if you must go that route.
100% Recycled Paper Towels, Unbleached
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Because of our kitties, I try to be very mindful of what I clean the floor with including scent. This scent smells fresh and is not harmful or overwhelming to them.
squirt + mop hard floor cleaner - ginger yuzu, 25 fl oz
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Ok I had to put this vacuum cleaner on the list because it WILL change your life. I spent my childhood vacuuming, and the worst part was all the stopping and starting dealing with the electrical chord. It was almost a game seeing how far you could re...
Cordless Vacuum Cleaners - Dyson
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I'm going to be honest: I'm not sure if I like the bamboo toilet paper. I don't hate it, I don't love it, but its definitely more ecofriendly than other options. AND its thick which is nice. ;)
Premium 100% Bamboo Toilet Paper - Double Length Rolls
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When you're not able to just wash your stinky bits in the shower, might I recommend this brand made of recycled paper. Not too hard and not too soft. Also not made with gelatin like some gross toilet papers out there.
100% Recycled Bathroom Tissue, 2-ply


I'm not that big into make-up, but here are some products I've used.

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This is the mascara I'm currently using. It doesn't flake at all, which to be honest, the other mascara I listed kind of does.
Lash It Loud Volumizing Mascara | e.l.f. Cosmetics
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I'm not married to any one Vegan/Cruelty-Free make-up brand, but local pharmacies do tend to carry E.L.F. which is super convenient for me ;)
Big Mood Volumizing Mascara | e.l.f. Cosmetics
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As someone with tattoos who works in film & tv, I've had this foundation come in handy more than a few times.
Lock-It Tattoo Foundation - Kat Von D - Sephora
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For those dark circles ;)
Concealer | Color Corrector Makeup - e.l.f. Cosmetics
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I only use 4 or 5 colors consistently, but I'm still a fan of this palette. I like a natural look :)
Mad for Matte Eyeshadow Palette - Nude Mood
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I rarely use anything but chapstick on my lips, but SOMETIMES the make-up department on set is like, “do you have a lip color???” so I bust this out.
Yes To Carrots C Me Shine in Rose Bliss - Lip - MakeupAlley
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I used to use eye liner a lot more pre-pandemic. Now its hard to be bothered with it, but if I am looking to do a dramatic cat-eye, this is the liner I use. Also it will NOT come off easily ha
Intense Ink Eyeliner | e.l.f. Cosmetics
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Lip balm for lips is my jam. I HATE lip stick. Lip gloss is a far as I will go, but lip balm ALL DAY!
Lips - Alaffia
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This is actually my favorite lip balm brand. 
Hurraw! Premium Vegan Lip Balms – Hurraw! Balm : Vegan ...
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These are great for when you just don't feel like washing your face, which for me, at night, is often. Also getting off that pesky eye-liner…I mean that amazing eye liner that will never run no matter how hard you cry.
Makeup Remover Wipes for All Skin Types - Pacifica

Stop Smelling Bad

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Paper deodorant dispenser is the way to go! Plus this stuff works great!
Plastic Free Deodorant | Bergamot & Cedar - HiBAR

Pearly Whites

Some products I use to keep my teeth clean and keep the cavities away!

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Ok I've been using these for a few days now and I can't complain. I think I like the Hello brand better, but these are definitely better than gooey paste from a tube.
Bite Toothpaste Bits
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I'm trying to upload more photos, but I've been using the Lush Sparkle toothpaste tabs for a couple weeks now. At first the lemony taste was too much, but like with anything else, you get used to it, and now I don't want to go back to the bite ones t...
Sparkle Toothpaste Tabs
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I prefer the more eco-friendly tablets, but if I'm out of tablets, in a pinch, at least these are vegan and cruelty-free.
hello toothpaste - Vegan, Cruelty Free & Without SLS or ...
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I don't use mouthwash every day - I used to never use it - but this stuff is pretty good as mouthwashes go. Not too intense. Feels like it does the job. 
Alcohol-Free Mouthwash & Vegan ... - Desert Essence
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Ditch that plastic!
GentleFloss Premium Dental Floss Mint 100 yds Each
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I've been using these for a couple days now, and I have to say their claim about it being good for sensitive teeth is absolutely true. It doesn't hurt at all unlike crest whitening strips or even the professional stuff from the dentist.
Whitening Gel