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Healthy foods for tired adults

Woman Cook emoji 29 items
Adulting is hard. This list makes it easier. I'm putting effort into eating as healthy as possible while also scratching that hunger itch. Please share any recipes you love and share your thoughts on the ones I have saved so far! Together, we can sto...

Grocery Store Hacks

Apps and resources to make your grocery store trip as quick and painless as possible - While also giving you an opportunity for cash back & rewards for simply shopping!

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Yuka is my life line at the grocery store! This app takes the bar code and checks the ingredients for you. It then gives you a rating out of 100 and shows the breakdown of what's good vs not good in there. It also shows recommendations of other optio...
App That Scans Your Products - Yuka
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Between my mom and I, we have earned $200+ in Amazon gift cards just from the Fetch app! It's a free app that allows you to take a picture of your receipts to earn points - those points allow you to pick what store you want the gift card to (it's SUP...
Fetch | Get Free Gift Cards
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Taking the time to look at this app and see what deals your favorite store has can truly save you some money! I'll add a video on how to use this app in this list for easy reference. Let me know how your ibotta experience has been in the comments!
Ibotta: Earn Cash Back on Groceries & More
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The ibotta app can be a little confusing at first, but if you take a quick 9 minutes to watch this tutorial you'll learn everything you need to know!
Ibotta Tutorial UPDATED
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This free app was my life line in my college days. I love that it has tons of easy to follow recipes (my faves are listed below) it gives a written AND video instructions in case you prefer one or the other - I'm for sure a video person. Get your mea...
Tasty - Food videos and recipes
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Find all the best deals at your favorite stores! You can save coupons in the app and redeem it in store. I love this app. Helps me game plan my grocery trips.
Flipp – Flyers, Shopping List, Weekly Ads | Flipp


These are recipes that I've personally made and enjoyed. I'm a minimal clean up person, so most of these recipes are mostly in one-pot! Please feel free to share your favorite recipes in the comments. I'm always looking for more dinner ideas!

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The first soup I ever attempted and I still have yet to mess it up! It makes the house smell amazing & minimal cleanup required. Thank me later!
Loaded Baked Potato Soup
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Super simple orzo recipe - it for sure takes closer to 20 minutes (learned that the hard way) but it's delicious. I added garlic and onion powder. You can also use chicken broth to cook the orzo for more flavor!
One-Pot healthy orzo
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There's been 1 too many times where I've had a dinner idea only to discover (as I'm in the middle of cooking) that I'm missing something… These boxes come with everything you need. I've tried 12+ different meals and I've enjoyed all of them. I highly...
HelloFresh Meal Kits
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I kid you not, this meal kept me alive through college. It's all in one pot and it's SUPER easy. I cook some bacon (separately bc it doesn't get crispy enough in the pot) and mmmmhhmmmm that's the move. Easy one-pot dinner!
Cheesy Chicken And Broccoli Pasta Recipe by Tasty
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I love recipes that don't call for some crazy randomness or weird ingredients and for the most part, I keep just about everything in this recipe stocked in my kitchen! If you don't have the Tasty app, I highly recommend checking it out!
Veggie Garlic Noodles Recipe by Tasty
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This recipe is nice because the video explains what to do, but it's also broken down in the pin itself!
Chicken Katsu Curry
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So yummy and honestly pretty easy!
Marry Me Chicken
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This coffee alternative gives you natural energy with all natural ingredients. No anxiety, no gut problems, and no nasty additives! - this is manufactured by a company that processes soy, so this may not be for you if you have a soy allergy! Have you...
Kamana | Coffee Alternative
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Soo good and it's all one pot! Definitely listen to the instructions because the orzo WILL stick to the bottom.
One pot creamy cajun chicken orzo
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So easy and delicious!
Creamy chicken sun dried tomato pasta
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I recently decided to try Javy and I'm not disappointed! Normal coffee makes my stomach hurt - this doesn't! I ordered the protein coffee, but next time, I'm going to order the coffee extracts. Have you tried them before?
Javy Coffee

Grocery Staples

This is a list of things I buy from the store that also rate well on Yuka (showing they have safe and healthy ingredients!). I hope this can help spark an idea for a healthy meal! Let me know what you've tried and I'd love to hear what healthy foods ... 

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The KIND brand overall is SO good! I go through phases where I can't get enough granola bars (idk why I am the way I am) and I only buy the KIND brand. I used to be a Quaker girl until I scanned it and saw it had a horrible rating on Yuka for unhealt...
KIND Snacks: Healthy Snacks | Wholesome Granola
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These rate “Excellent” on Yuka and they taste soooo good!
Apple Pie Bar
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Oikos is delicious and they have a pretty solid variety of flavors! The vanilla is my favorite.
Oikos® Greek Yogurt
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The vanilla and peach are my favorite - there are peach chunks in the peach flavor so make sure you keep that in mind if you're sensitive to texture!
Greek Yogurt | Vanilla
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Yes, it's technically for babies, but these are delicious! I'm not normally hungry in the mornings, but having one of these at least puts some healthy foods in my belly without making my stomach hurt. What healthy breakfast options do you have?
Organic Apple Banana Peach Yogurt
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These with some hummus… YUM
Triscuit Garden Herb Whole Grain Wheat Crackers, 8.5 oz
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Kevins brand typically varies between 70-80's on Yuka (meaning it's good or excellent according to their ratings) and I have yet to try one that wasn't good. I like to make rice and some kind of veggie with it, but these are worth trying out for sure...
Korean BBQ Chicken
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I switched to almond milk about 3 years ago and I just love the taste! It rates excellent on Yuka and there are different flavors (chocolate and vanilla) if you want to go that route!
Almond Breeze Unsweetened Original Almondmilk
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I get these from Costco. They taste good and rank well on Yuka, but they aren't super high. They're a 51/100 but they are the highest ranked that I've found - Do you have a healthier brand that you like?
PERDUE® Panko Chicken Nuggets
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We make our own ginger ale and use this (and the lemon flavor) to mix the ginger syrup to make healthy ginger ale! I HIGHLY recommend trying it because it's better than any store bought ginger ale.
Polar Beverages
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This is another Costco find that's delicious! It rates Excellent on Yuka. We nuke it in the microwave for a few minutes then cut it up and put in our breakfast sandwiches (bagel, egg, cheese, sausage) - just delicious!
All Natural Golden Brown® Chicken Sausage Links
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Healthier ice cream lol
LUIGI'S Real Italian Ice